RESCUING ROVER: Duke Returns his Owner's Favor
by Anita-Niki M.
© A.N.M., reader copyright |
Duke was brought into the no kill rescue skin and bones, scared of men, and shy. After fixing him and feeding him he gained some weight. He went from a skinny Rat Terrier to a pitbull wannabe.
Duke was adopted out a few times but was soon brought back. He either he growled at men or bit them. He was also fiercely protective of babies; he wouldn't let people near them.
My youngest child met him and fell in love; they became best buds. Duke was a role model for rescues always being a shoulder to lean on, especially for the smaller dogs. Duke is a big baby, loves to jump up in your lap, or push you out of bed. He loves to rough-house, and growl but never bite.
He doesn't like my dad; I think it's the hat. He didn't like my brother-in-law at first, but now is his buddy because Lee took him 'Muddin'. Duke loves to ride; all you have to do is ask him to get the keys and he will and meet you at the door. He would live in the car if you let him. He's in the states (U.S.) with my oldest son, but when I visit he's my bed buddy. |
© A.N.M. reader copyright Duke, My Bed Buddy |
Do you have a rescued dog whose story you would like to share? Rescuing Rover is a monthly readers' column. Your story and your pup's photo could be here. Submit yours to [email protected]. On another note, if you're planning a holiday trip with your furry friends, perhaps a few tips would be helpful in getting him (and you) ready. Stop by my friends at GoPetFriendly to see my latest guest post, Preparing Rover to be a Well-Behaved Holiday Visitor. Happy travels!

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