Rescue Remedy for Dogs

Developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s, Rescue Remedy is a trade name for the herbal remedy made from a combination of Bach flower extracts. It has been successfully used by doctors as a homeopathic treatment for emotional imbalance and behavioral problems, in both humans as well as animals. Rescue Remedy for dogs, has been effective in calming dogs who display negative emotions or hyperactivity, when faced with stressful situations. These can include visits to the vet, loud noises during thunderstorms and fireworks, mistreatment, separation anxiety, adaptation to new surroundings or loss of a companion. By using this flower essence therapy, pet owners can now deal with these situations without having to worry about the side effects, that the dog may have.
Overview of Workings of Flower Essences The basis of using flower essences as a homeopathic treatment, lies in its use as a healing force for mental and emotional illness. It is said to release negative emotions, by helping and calming the person or animal. This in turn, seems to be a healer of the physical illnesses, that were caused due to emotional imbalances. The flower essences derived from parts of flowers and thereon diluted and potentized for effectiveness, work on the energetic level. By affecting and restoring the vital force, the particles in the essences work in a specific pattern to cure various illnesses. It is up to the medical practitioner to choose the most effective treatment based on the ailment. Since it was first developed by Dr. Bach, the 38 Bach flower essences have been used by veterinarians in the field of animal health.
Rescue Remedy for Dogs A commonly used Bach flower remedy, Rescue Remedy is made from the combination of five of the thirty eight original remedies. The combination of the five essences allows it to become a unique essence in itself, which is different from its constituent essences.
The five constituent flower essences in Bach Rescue Remedy are:
- Clematis (Clematis vitalba): The essence is used in the treatment of faintness or bemused and stunned feelings. It is effective in increasing the attention span and focus of the animal in training. It helps an animal regain consciousness after having been in a state of comatose.
- Rock Rose (Helianthemum nummularium): It is a remedy for terror and panic in dogs who have been involved in an accident, injury, fire or any other terrifying event. It is essentially useful for the dogs who are involved in police work. It has also been effective in treating dogs who are overtly fearful of their lives.
- Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera): Used to control hysterical and highly strung animals, this essence is effective when controlling animals in a stressed situation like competitions or training. It is also useful while dealing with seizures or anxiety attacks. For an animal which becomes crazed when provoked, or when it sees another animal in its territory, the cherry plum essence has been known to be an effective calming agent.
- Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum): It is used in calming dogs who are in shock, grief or are just frightened. It is increasingly being used in kennels where animals are left alone or during the time that the injured or ill animal is required to stay in a veterinary clinic.
- Impatiens (Impatiens glandulifera): The essence helps soothe dogs who are impatient or agitated due to pain. It is also effective in any nervous difficulties that an overly anxious dog may be facing. It is used for dogs who have epileptic type fits, especially when agitated by being overly excited or upset.
To administer the dosage to your dog, just add 4-8 drops of essence either into the dog's mouth or on its nose. The drops need not be swallowed but must only contact the mucous membranes, i.e the gums, tongue or lips. You can even place the dosage in drinking water or food. Alternately, you can add a dropper full of the essence to spring water in a spray bottle and spray it around your pet. The frequency of dosage is determined by the problem that the dog is facing. Although for most behavioral problems, you can give 3 to 4 times a day for 2 to 4 weeks, the remedy can be given as often as needed, even every few minutes.
Like humans, Rescue Remedy for pets is successful in dealing with problems in behavior, which the traumatized animal might not be able to communicate in words. So if you are faced with behavioral problems of your pets, Rescue Remedy for cats and dogs is a non toxic therapy that provides a quick solution. However, having said that, each dog is unique and the response to the remedy may differ in each case. It is imperative that a dog owner understands that the remedies are not a replacement for vital or important medical diagnosis and attention. These remedies are used to treat secondary symptoms and are not a treatment for emotional imbalance caused by physical illness.
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