Pup Profiles: Poodle Packmates Charm
© E.G. reader copyright Cocoa Latte and Oreo Jack |
Our nicknames are: Oreo Jack and Cocoa Latte (Can you guess who's who?)
The thing Oreo hates most: "When my Momma hides the trash can from me. How am I supposed to inspect it and eat all the tissues? One time I got into corn on the cob and a Nerf football-- it was like Christmas!"
The thing Cocoa hates most: "The vacuum cleaner scares me, but I like the thrill of being chased by it. It's a love/hate relationship."
Oreo's most embarrassing moment was: "I almost went home with the wrong family at the dog park. I even jumped in their car! My momma was not happy."
Cocoa's most embarrassing moment was: "I have way too much confidence to let something get to me!"
Oreo's favorite physical activity is: "I love to go to Crane's Roost park and meet other dogs. Sometimes we bring bread and as my momma attempts to feed the ducks, I chase them."
Cocoa's favorite physical activity is: Swimming and the dog park for sure!

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