Pets Celebrate Summer with Prizes
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Winner Gets Treats and More! |
Our Event Barkers Celebration of Summer giveaway
was a big success. Thanks to all of you who joined in for 5,538 entries.
Our winner will be receiving a fun shower of gifts. We'll be shipping the prizes in 2 packages, so watch for a box of Zuke's treats from me. You'll also get the other surprises from Visit their site to learn about the other prizes.
In addition to all these terrific goodies, there's a box of Simple Solution products being donated to a rescue--A New Beginning--in our winner's name. Doesn't that make you feel all cozy inside?
This donation includes 4 full-size bottles of Eco-Care products by Simple Solution. You can find a Store Locator here, and you'll also find them on Facebook at this link.
Congratulations to winner Shemp DeYoung. You'll be receiving an email from [email protected]. Add us to your contact list to be sure it doesn't go to spam. Your prize will go out shortly after we receive confirmation of your shipping address.
Happy tails,
Event Barkers partners All Things Dog Blog and DogTipper have not been compensated to run this giveaway.
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