PetHub Promise of Safer Pets Draws Interest
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© courtesy Membership Options Include Free Pet Data Storage at Bronze Level |
© Boyko |
The PetHub Scrufftag Collar review and giveaway have been a lot of fun. I'm so pleased with Oliver's new collar that blends in nicely with his patterned leash. But most of all, I'm happy that I feel confident he would come home to me if ever I were to lose him.
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It has also been a joy to finally not have to battle neck fur stains from dangling tags. I'm sure other owners of dogs with white neckfur have experienced this frustration. It is nice to have a clean pup!
Today I have the pleasure of sharing the winners in our giveaway of 5 Scrufftag Collars, each with a Silver membership. This means you'll receive the benefits outlined above, including shelter alerts for your lost pet and a gps mapping system. The winners of this giveaway are: Laura Jacobson, CMC, Rust Hawk, Carma Poodale Allen, and Anna Galanos.
Each of you will receive an email from [email protected] over the weekend. Be sure to watch for it, and check your spam if you're a first time winner. A quick reply is always appreciated. Congratulations!
Woofing Winners Get Mellowed Out
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © It seems we touched a high note when we began talking about behavioral issues. I found all your comments at the giveaway post quite fascinating. So many behaviors that may be helped with a homeopathic remedy--wow!...
This Just In...
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Boyko Oliver's ScruffTag Collar by PetHub Doesn't that title sound like an old-fashioned newspaper heading?! Well, it's true. This is a last minute idea that just came in from our Super Dog Sunday™ sponsor, PetHub....
Pethub Gift Cards Add An Extra Flash To Our Giveaways
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Paris Permenter Fly High with a Super Dog Sunday Gift Card from PetHubThese surprise giveaways are fun, huh? I'm sure PetHub enjoys happy customers. You can use this giftcard to upgrade your membership that comes included...
Super Dog Sunday Flash Giveaway: Grab A Gift Card Here!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Paris Permenter Fly High with Super Dog Sunday PrizesThis is a quickie giveaway, so don't waste any time taking part. Want a $10 PetHub giftcard? You can decide what to apply it toward: PetHub QR Tags in a variety of choices,...
Pethub Qr Tags & Collars Help Lost Pets Get Home Faster
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Just today I saw another heartbreaking sign on a neighborhood tree. You know the one--"Lost Dog". Sadly, 6 to 8 million lost pets end up in shelters each year. Only 12% of dogs return home, and even fewer cats. Half of those that...