Pet Solutions Helpline
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
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Dear Carrie:
I have had cats all of my life. We now have 2 dogs and 5 cats! They are learning to coexisit, sort of. What's the trick to stopping the dogs from eating the cat food and vice versa? We try to separate them but thay always find a way! Any ideas?
Thanks, Sheila______________________________________________
Dear Sheila:
Cats love high places. I would choose a shelf, the top of the dryer or some other out of the way place to put the cats' food dishes. This will keep Fido out of it.
Also, only feed them twice a day. Don't leave food out. They will learn to eat their food all at one time and then the dishes will remain empty throughout the day.
Taking ownership of the food will help allow you to be in charge, rather than the pets taking over every dish.
Teach your dogs to give your cat's food and litter area space. Practice frequently and soon they'll get the idea, when paired with reward and plenty of praise.
Happy tails,
Do you have a question for Carrie about making your multi-pet household more amicable? Write to me at [email protected].
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