Pet Prize Previews for Super Dog Sunday™ Photo Contest Winners
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Irie Loves Gringa Loka |
The heat is really on now; it's time to create your Kodak Moments! Game Day is just a few days away and Super Dog Sunday™ hopefuls are busy snapping pictures of their pups. Today may be the day you've been waiting on--a peek at some of the prizes. You'll be able to learn more at this week also. Watch us both as we unfold the shroud of secrecy about all the prizes, categories and fun to be had on Sunday, February 5th.
© Commemorative 2012 Footballs |
I'll be highlighting some of the individual items you can win here today. These items will come in various combinations--prize packages if you will. So every winner will be getting a box full of fun stuff! Ready? |
© PetHub Fashion Tags by PetHub |
We have 4 sponsors providing prizes for Super Dog Sunday™. Every Super Bowl party centers itself around two things--food and the TV. Gringa Loka will be bringing on the food for fido. This small dog treat company, who believes in giving back, donates virtually 100% of their profits to animal charities, so it was a no-brainer for them to decide to support Petfinder Foundation in the Super Dog Sunday™ charity event.
© Boyko Oliver's PetHub Collar |
Gringa Loka's US made, grain-free, Vegan cookies for Fido are chock full of wholesome Peanut Butter, a favorite among dogs everywhere. My office is busting with these cookies and you'll be seeing bunches of them given away on Sunday.
PetHub is a company dedicated to helping lost pets find their way home safely and sooner. Their QR tags and collars allow smart phone or computer scanning that connects you to a unique webpage for the lost pet. On this website is located all your pet's basic needs, along with your contact information, so your pet is likely to find his way home much more quickly. |
© C. Boyko Citizen Canine in 4 Colors! |
All of PetHub's tags and collars, available in a variety of colors and styles, come with basic memberships, so you're not left out in the cold. Upgrades can provide owners with additional protection such as GPS mapping that emails you with info on where your pup is when his tag is scanned by anyone, automated shelter alerts when you notify them that your dog is lost, inexpensive lost pet insurance to cover injury or illness, and much more.
© C. Boyko Handy Carryall! |
Tom Bihn makes top notch bags for many uses. Their Citizen Canine dog carryall is the perfect accompaniment to a hike or dog park outing. You'll find plenty of room for training treats, your iPhone, keys, credit cards, poop bags and more in this terrific, durable bag.
Along with their Citizen Canine carryall, Tom Bihn has begun making leashes out of recycled climbing ropes. Their carryall even has some cleverly designed holders to clip the leash to your strap, assuring you don't lose the leash during playtime at the park.
Bringing up the end of this alpha list is Wag, the bank for dog lovers! I love their tagline: "Enjoy a rich life with your pack". It so perfectly communicates their goal. While Wag is currently in start up mode, preparing their online banking services and tweaking their modes of offering exactly what dog lovers want in financial services, you may want to take a closer look. |
© C. Boyko Giant Snook's Sweet Potato Chew |
Watch Wag as their preparation for opening day in 2013 looms large. You can connect with them at their website, Facebook and via Twitter to learn more and stay up to date on their opening.
© $65 Gift Card! |
Wag will be offering a variety of prizes that all have appeal to dog lovers like a Ruffwear gift card and giant Snook's Sweet Potato Chews. Tanner was just itching to nab this gigantic chewy when I snapped this pic of him. Watch for more during the remainder of the week as we begin to put the pieces of the puzzle together for you, giving you an increasingly larger picture of the prize winning categories you and Fido may have a chance to win. Stay tuned, and for more details you can check my left sidebar for a few of the articles on this series of events.
Did you enjoy our #SuperDogPics Twitter Party? I hear Dogtipper is getting ready to Tweet from the Red Carpet with the Tiniest Tiger. Check out #RedCarpetCat for another Twitter Party option.
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Super Dog Sunday Flash Giveaway: Grab A Gift Card Here!
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Super Dog Sunday™ Sponsors: Meet Our Petfinder Supporters!
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