Pet Nutrition for a Healthy New Year
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Chow Time |
After a busy Super Dog season here we're ready to get back to the nuts and bolts of living--food! As you probably already know if you've been reading here long, Tanner and Oliver live a green and organic lifestyle. It's not that we insist that others go this route, but we've seen the damage that pesticides, fertilizers and artificial ingredients can cause. Two family members with cancer was enough to put us into a 180 degree turn.
When speaking with people one on one, I often recommend they read the book The Hundred Year Lie by Randall Fitzgerald. An investigative journalist covering the food industry for sometime, Fitzgerald helps you understand the scary stuff going on there and you'll probably put two and two together. Organic is simply a safer bet.
I know what you're saying. How do we really know the ingredients are organic? There have been reports of slip ups in the system that oversees the certification of the various levels of organic foods. All in all, though, the odds are in your favor if you choose organic.
You may be saying what I hear a lot of, "I just can't afford the price of organic food." Here's my compromise solution for that problem: The two most important categories of food to choose organic in are meats and dairy. Why? Because both are traditionally produced with added hormones and antibiotics to control bacteria and grow bigger animals in less time. When you buy organically-produced animal products (Yes; eggs, milk and cheese are animal products.) you are not getting those additives that are so terribly dangerous for your long term health.
Oddly enough, fruits and vegetables take front seat in the marketing of organic products. That's simply a result of the difference in prices. Fruits and vegetables are less expensive than meats and dairy, no matter how they are produced. And they're better for you when grown organically also. However, if you've got to make a choice, look at your more important category, the one where considerably more toxins are being added to your food.
Organix has been our choice for at least 5 years. The ingredients panel is why. The number one ingredient is Organic Chicken. No antibiotics; no added hormones; no pesticides or herbicides; no synthetic fertilizers. The animals were raised on land that was handled organically and feed that was produced organically. You just can't beat that recipe.
Today I'm opening up a huge giveaway. I'm playing catch up after a few delays put me behind in handing off pet food trials. Today is your opportunity to grab a big batch of Organix or Castor and Pollux Natural Ultramix. I'll be giving away some of each, but each winner will be assured their entire freebie will be one type of food. This will allow you to take advantage of a complete trial, including the proper switch up to the new food. You'll be able to see how well your pet enjoys and tolerates their formula. Be sure to stop by the website for instructions on how to properly transition your dog to a new food, so as not to upset his delicate digestive system.
The rafflecopter form that will help you enter this grandiose giveaway is a finicky eater. If it's hiding from you down there, simply click on the post title to call it to you, and you'll be ready to go. Entries will be accepted through 11:59 PM on Monday, February 25. Winners will be announced Tuesday, February 26. Good luck to you all in this massive giveaway:
Castor and Pollux has provided the food being given away in this promotion. I have not been compensated to facilitate this giveaway. The information provided above was acquired by my own research and was not provided by the sponsor.a Rafflecopter giveaway
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