Pet Airways Expanding to Missouri
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Pet Airways is expanding their Pawsenger™ flights. Beginning this summer they will serve St. Louis, Missouri.
Pet Airways, Inc. is the only airline specifically designed for the safe and comfortable transportation of pets who always travel in the main cabin, not cargo. Pets are continuously monitored by an In-Flight Pet Attendant in a climate-controlled cabin with lots of fresh, cool air for maximum comfort.
Pet Airways' website shares helpful information on preparing your pet for air travel. You can check out their current promotions at this page. To check flights or book a reservation visit this link or call 1-888-PET-AIRWAYS.
Presently Pet Airways serves destinations across the U.S., including Los Angeles, Phoenix, Denver, Omaha, Chicago, Baltimore, New York, Atlanta and Ft. Lauderdale. Orlando, Houston, Austin and Dallas were recently announced as new destinations with flights beginning this summer.
For More Information visit

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