Our Pet Food Pantry--A Little History
by Carrie Boyko, CEB  |
© Carrie Boyko Xena's Favorite Dog Food? You'll Learn Soon |
Since research shows that pets help us live longer, healthier lives, we need to Paw it Forward. We should be repaying our furry friends for their services. But how?
At All Things Dog Blog, we committed to this very effort in 2007, in a unique way. We cleaned our pantry and our pet food containers and hit the road to find the best organic food sources. Both Xena, our senior Retriever girl, and Carrie, yours truly, had been diagnosed with cancer. No one was going to tell us we were done!
Finding our new organic pet food was part and parcel to Xena’s treatment. With liver cancer, she needed a diet that would put little strain on her already overworked organ. Organic was the key to this goal, with no added artificial ingredients for the liver to process. She would be given a chance to outlive her slow-growing tumor that specialists told us could not be removed without serious danger to her survival.
I investigated every organic food I could find, searching the big pet superstores, as well as the small, pet specialty boutiques. Many questions and answers later I made my choice, based on quality ingredients, company history, a U.S.-based production, and one final, very important criteria: consistent availability.
I was appalled to learn from many pet owners that had to make several switches along the way. I quickly came to the realization that I needed a company large enough to assure availability, yet small enough to get closer to its roots—healthy food sources.
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you probably already know I feed my dogs organic food. Yet there is one little kibble of information that I have kept close to the cuff—my chosen brand.
I’ve been waiting to unveil this very special choice. “For what?,” you may ask. It’s rather silly, I suppose, but I’ve had a goal since I started writing this blog. I always knew somewhere deep inside of me, that if this blog took off, I’d want to thank my pet food company for what they gave Xena—another 3 years of life.
That’s right; Xena lived to within days of her 14th birthday, a good life for a Retriever, to be sure. Our chosen dog food supplier will be unveiled here soon with a grand review and a big thank you.
Stay tuned as I will soon be bringing you the source of Xena’s long life. We’ll begin Wednesday with a little mini-lesson on some of the benefits of an organic diet. Join me? I hope so.
To get the fun rolling, be sure to check out our countdown site, where you can take a guess at our photo shoot wardrobe difficulties. Can you guess what went wrong? Comments, jokes and jabs are all welcome here on the blog! And don't miss our surprise announcement on the countdown site.
Just to make sure you don't miss a single segment of this series, be sure to stop by my sidebar and grab yourself a free subscription. Or you can use the dog house below. There's nothing like the ease of opening your inbox to find my posts just waiting on you. And better yet, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you'll never miss an important post. Happy tails!
Lest we forget, it's the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop. Please do peruse the list and have some fun bouncing. And while you're out and about, stop in at our hosts to pay your respects with a thank you: Life with Dogs, Confessions of the Plume and Two Little Cavaliers. Happy hopping.

Full disclosure: All Things Dog Blog has not been compensated to provide the upcoming dog food review. We have not been paid to provide our opinion of this product, and the opinion provided is our own.
While we are linked up to the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop, we are also linking up to Hoppin Weekend for some extra exposure. If the code for the Pet Blogger hop does not appear, you may acquire it from the host's site at Life with Dogs. It seems to be misbehaving tonight!
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