Organix Dog Food GiveawayWinners' Announcement
by Carrie Boyko, CEB  |
© Carrie Boyko Marilyn Won our Heart with This Photo |
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© Carrie Boyko Looks Good!
It's a good thing I hid the coupons for the free bags of food. Today I have the fun job of naming the winners--all 12 of them. This was one tough competition to keep track of. I had comments, emails, Tweets and Facebook comments flying! One would get the impression that there are a lot of folks eager to try Organix. And for good reason. Tanner and Oliver's vibrant good health is testament to its healthy ingredients. Before I get on with the festivities, let's let Oliver eat. He's been waiting patiently.
© Carrie Boyko Chow Down, Boy |
There's one more thing I'd like to add before I go ahead with the big news. I want to remind you that changing your dog's food is not like deciding to have a steak for breakfast, instead of eggs. Fido's tummy is more sensitive to change than ours. Be sure to read yesterday's post on how to transition your pup from one food to another comfortably.
Tanner and Oliver will be munching down on their stash of Organix Crumb Cookies, Pupsicles and Busy Bones. We sure hope you enjoyed our series on organic foods for your pup, and I invite you to visit again for more info on green and natural care for your Fido. Well, I guess it's time to get on with the show.
One last thing before we name the Organix Twelve, aka our lucky winners. Please know that if you were not among the winners today, your entry(ies) will remain in the pot for future drawings. One of these days, it will be your turn. Watch for upcoming giveaways to include: new gator toys, a very fashionable petite dog carrier, Flushpuppies, Pooch Super Bouncer Balls with treat pockets, Doog Dog Walk Belt, Petstages mini Nesting Mat, and more adorable dog-themed handbags, to name just a few.
Drawn from a pot of massive numbers of entries (no; I did not count them!), your winners are listed in the order of the draw:- Shibasenji
- Gloria and Rocky
- Baldrick and Blackadder
- Ruby Dooby
- Daisy the Coonhound
- Sam
- Marty W. and Juliet
- Peggy and Kelly
- Molly M. and Marilyn
- Dawn
- JC
- Amy W. and Sophie
You are the Organix Twelve! Congratulations, and be sure to send your addresses to me post haste at [email protected]. Your coupons for a free 5.25 lb. bag of Organix will arrive in envelopes complete with some extra surprises. On behalf of the folks at Castor and Pollux Pet and All Things Dog Blog, we thank you for reading and participating in this series. We encourage you to choose the best possible food for your pet, because he's worth it. Happy tails!
Did you miss any of the posts in this series? You can still enjoy them now:
- Our Pet Food Pantry: A Little History
- Your Dog's Food: Why is Organic Healthier?
- Our Dogs' Food: The Big Decision
- Dog Food D-Day: The Big Reveal
- Surprise Dog Toys Awarded to Observant Winners
- Organix Dog Food Giveaway: 12 Bags of Healthy Goodness
- Busy Bones Go Organic with Organix
- Organix Busy Bones a Big Hit
- Small Dog Issues: Tear Stains Reduced with Organic Dog Food
- Organix Crumb Cookies Get Kudos
- Gradual Dog Food Changes for Calm Tummies

Full disclosure: All Things Dog Blog has not been compensated to provide this review of Castor and Pollux and Organix. We have not been paid to provide our opinion of these products, and the opinion provided is our own.
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