Not Everyone Is Happy At The Circus!

Circuses force animals to perform tricks that have nothing to do with how these magnificent creatures behave in the wild. They are taught to do tricks by fear and submission. They are injured while being beat and tortured into doing tricks. That is the way the circuses "teach" them new tricks. An elephant does not understand, "stand on your hind legs" but it understands a beating to obey.
Animals in circuses either travel in 18-wheelers or by train. Tigers, who in the wild would secure 75-2,000 square miles, are kept in cages with barely enough room to turn around. Elephants, who walk up to 25 miles a day with their families in their natural habitat, are shackled in chains by their front and back legs so that they can't take a step forward or backward.
Even if conditions were improved and humane methods of training were used, the fact is that keeping wild animals in captivity deprives animals of much of what they value in life. Elephants, tigers, chimpanzees, and other animals used in circuses are complex creatures—not robots to be stacked in boxes and hauled to the next show.
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