Mutt Monday: Greener Flea Control
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
After years of hot spots and skin issues on our sweet Xena, we eventually switched to an organic approach to everything: food for both ourselves and our pets, lawn care, pet pest prevention as well as housecleaning products. No sooner did we make these changes than our Xena finally ceased her constant series of skin troubles. It is clear now that she was reacting to pesticides, herbicides and synthetic fertilizers on our lawn, where she enjoyed lounging each morning. I wish I had known sooner.
Now we're on a quest to do everything possible to keep Tanner and Oliver toxin-free for a long, healthy life. Below I've shared some of the many posts I've written on how we manage these pests. You may find yourself having an aha moment when you read some of them. Please feel free to share your thoughts or leave your questions in the comments section. I'll do my best to help with anything you'd like to learn more about.
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I invite other bloggers to join me by adding their posts about greener pest prevention throughout this entire week. Next week we'll be visiting a new topic, but one that's very close to Tanner's heart:Water Fun for Dogs
With Summer here, we'll be sharing some of the ways we use water to enjoy a cooling activity on a hot day. See you next week!

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Mutt Monday Goes Greener
by Carrie Boyko, CEB We're here today to share ways to live a little more lightly on planet Earth: Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle with your dog. Bake your own healthy, organic treats, make homemade dog toys, choose recycled or Eco-friendly products,...
Mutt Monday: Diy Dog Training
by Carrie Boyko, CEB (c) Tanner will Fetch ANYTHING! I'm just going to come right out with it: Last week's new beginnning of our themed Mutt Monday was a bit less than successful. I have to give us all an out, however;...
Vet's Best For A Toxin-free Flea Season
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Vet's Best Arsenal for Pest PreventionIf you've read this blog for any time, you're probably aware that I'm radical when it comes to toxins. We eat organic, use organic pest control and home...
Helping Your Dog Adapt To An E-collar After Surgery Or A Hotspot
© photo copyright Carrie Boyko 2008Xena Models Her E-Collar Poor Xena could write the book on E-Collars. She has had 3 of them in her lifetime, and spent countless weeks and months living in them. Why? Only now can I explain that. For years, Xena had...