More Pup-sicle Recipes: Icy Cool Treats for Your Best Friend
by Jocelyn Anne, guest contributor
© Carrie Boyko Pupsicles--A Favorite of the All Things Dog Blog Pack |
When the heat of the summer becomes overly oppressive for you, you can only imagine how much more so it is for your dog or puppy who does not have the same means of sweating and cooling off that you do. If you are looking for ways to ensure that your best friend stays cool and happy this summer, you shouldn’t miss out on one of the most fun: doggie ice cream! If you’ve never tried your hand at whipping up homemade “ice cream” for your puppy or treated him to doggie-safe chilled treats, you’re both in for some fun!
To get you started, here are a couple of my favorites. All you need is an ice cream maker and some common ingredients. Using an ice cream maker, you should have ice cream ready for your dog in less than 10 minutes! And, if you opt for freezing solid and making popsicles (pup-sicles!), a great idea is to pour the mixture into Kongs and then freeze for even more fun.
*While it is important not to allow your dog to have too much lactose, the lactose content in yogurt is much lower than that in milk. Yogurt also offers friendly bacteria and probiotics that are good for your dog. If your dog is sensitive to any amount of lactose, than simply substitute dairy milk and dairy yogurt for soy or rice varieties. Also, always use plain yogurt, not flavored.
Puppy Pumpkin-Honey Ice Cream
Yogurt. 2 cups
Pureed Pumpkin (plain pumpkin, not the pie mix). ¼ cup
Honey. 2 tablespoons
© Carrie Boyko Tanner Loves 'Em Too! |
Milk (rice, soy, dairy). ¼ cup
Mix all ingredients and place in ice cream maker. Follow instructions for freezing. If you want to make popsicles instead, combine all ingredients and pour into small cups or ice cube trays.
*Pumpkin can help with diarrhea which makes this recipe especially valuable if your dog is suffering from diarrhea in the heat of the summer.
Rover’s Refreshing Minty Ice Cream
Milk. ¼ cup
Mint (chopped or pureed in blender)
Combine ingredients in blender, pour into ice cream maker or freeze solid.
Cooling Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Plain yogurt. 12 ounces
Honey. 1 tablespoon
Carob chips. 1/3 cup
Combine all ingredients. If more chocolate flavor desired, add carob powder to taste. Pour into ice cream maker and follow instructions or freeze solid.
Fro-Yo Peanut Butter Banana Extravaganza
Yogurt. 32 ounces
Banana. 1
Peanut butter, 2 tablespoons (smooth variety)
Honey. 2 tablespoons
Combine all ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth. Pour into ice cream maker or freeze solid.
© Carrie Boyko Oliver Enjoys his Frozen Treat |
Enjoy these recipes and have fun keeping your puppy cool all summer! Nothing beats a hot day with Chunky Monkey for you and Fro-Yo PB Banana Extravaganza for him!
Freelancer Jocelyn Anne has taken on writing about ice cream makers and is having a blast coming up with fun ways to treat herself and her little 3 pound Chihuahua, Nova, to the best chilled treats!

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