Melatonin Side Effects in Dogs

Melatonin, chemically known as
N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine, is a hormone that is naturally produced in the bodies of some animals and algae. It helps in the smooth functioning and regulation of the circadian rhythm (the 24 hour cycle) of various bodily functions and processes. It also plays a role as a powerful antioxidant in the body. Like everything else, this substance CAN lead to a few not-so-pleasant side effects, such as adverse drug interactions, allergies, hormonal imbalance, etc. These have been discussed at length in the following segment.
Side Effects of Melatonin in Dogs As melatonin is a naturally produced drug, there are not many side effects. But it goes without saying that too much of this drug will only cause harm. So be cautious about the amount you give your dog. Keep these side effects that are mentioned here in mind, to avoid any complications in the future.
- If a dog is known to be sensitive or allergic to it, then it should not be administered any amount of the drug. Doing so could cause an adverse reaction for the animal.
- Melatonin has a possibility of clashing with certain other drugs like corticosteroids and oxidase inhibitors, so check with the veterinarian what needs to be done about this situation.
- Though most of the problems are rarely seen in dogs, some female dogs may find some disruption in the hormone that induces the desire to mate. The dog may become very passive or dormant as a result.
- No matter what happens, do not give dogs the melatonin products that are meant for human beings. This will make them extremely sick.
- In case you have ended up giving your dog an overdose, you will notice the following symptoms. Vomiting, diarrhea, excessive shaking, seizures and evident loss of coordination of body parts. Visit the doctor immediately if such a situation has arisen.
Taking into consideration the above-mentioned contraindications, you may want to update yourself on exactly what health issues are treated by Melatonin and its appropriate dosage in canines. The following segments deal with these two issues.
Melatonin for Canine Health The product called
Melatonex, that is widely available in the market, contains melatonin as its primary ingredient. It has been used for many years by human beings in the form of a sedative. But as far as pet dogs are concerned, it simply reduces their stress levels without causing any drowsiness. Inside the dog's brain the neurotransmitters that majorly influence the behavior patterns of the animal are dopamine and serotonin. The level of both these kinds of neurotransmitters is affected by the level of melatonin in the body. It also aids the dog's body in combating stress by increasing the levels of the cortisol hormone in the body. Generally speaking, melatonin is put to the following uses for dogs.
- Any noise phobia that the dog may have can be cured. This comes handy during thunder storms and on occasions when there are other loud booming sounds, which are bound to scare the dog.
- Separation anxiety induced in dogs can also be treated.
- Dogs that have difficulty sleeping at night, or elderly dogs who have had their biological clocks disrupted, can be helped to go to sleep by administering a dose.
This drug is easily available over the counter across many drug stores, but it should not be bought or given to a dog before consulting a vet, as doing so will inevitably expose the dog to some unforeseen side effects. Only if the doctor has prescribed the drug for the dog, should the dose be administered.
Melatonin Dosage Information Keep the following information in mind before administering any amount of dosage of melatonin to your pet dog.
- For large-sized dogs the dosage must be given no more than three times a day. The dosage must be taken orally, and the amount can vary between 3 - 9 mg.
- For medium-sized dogs 1 - 3 mg of melatonin must be administered orally, about 2 times a day.
- For small dogs an oral dosage of about 0.5 - 1 mg once a day should be adequate.
- Under any circumstance, DO NOT administer a dosage of melatonin to your dog without consulting a veterinarian. This can cause your dog much harm, as you may not be aware about the amount of dosage as well as the intervals between each dosage.
Many dog owners have also noticed that melatonin can be given to dogs suffering from epilepsy as well. According to them, this drug helps lessen the frequency and intensity of seizures that the dog suffers. There are not any serious side effects, but if too much of this drug is administered into a dog's body, there are bound to be some unwanted and unpleasant complications. Make it a point to get a proper prescription from a veterinarian before you go ahead and decide to give your dog a dosage of melatonin.
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