Meet the First Dog!

Bo, the First Dog
Bo, the new first dog, has finally appeared. He is a boy, given his name by the Obama daughters. Bo was a gift from Senator Kennedy. He is a Portuguese water dog, a breed known to be especially good for children with allergies. Bo is 6 months old.
Portuguese water dogs were bread to retrieve the fishing nets from under the water for fishermen. They are known for their diving abilities. I would love to have Bo or one of his cousins come here and teach Tanner how to retrieve his sunken pool toys from the bottom of the pool. Any offers?

Xena, Tanner and Oliver would all love to play with this adorable fella. Perhaps we'll drop in for a visit next time we're in DC. Woof! Anyone home? Can Bo come out to play?
Keep Fido Cool In A Doggie Pool
By Ruthie Bently I’ve used a kiddie pool for my chickens and geese for several years. I originally got it to provide my geese with a place to swim, as our property wasn’t near water. I began to rethink its use the day my dog Katie plunged into it...
Breed Profile: Portuguese Water Dog
By Ruthie Bently The Obama family recently got a new puppy, and Sasha and Malia named him “Bo.” This breed was picked because the Portuguese Water Dog is purported to be better for people with allergies. Bo is a black and white Portuguese Water Dog,...
Portuguese Water Dog - A Bit About This Breed
They say a dog is a man's best friend. I must say they are right. I have practically grown up amidst dogs since my family owns a pet store. From my childhood to adulthood, my then puppy and now dog, Tim, has been a source of constant comfort for me....
Portuguese Water Dog
Portuguese Water DogSummary: Like his name, Portuguese water dog is known as “a dog of water”. Not a loyal, affectionate and devoted companion but a good and efficient working dog also. Portuguese water dogs are dogs of water. They love to work...
Portuguese Water Dog
Portuguese Water DogSummary: Like his name, Portuguese water dog is known as “a dog of water”. Not a loyal, affectionate and devoted companion but a good and efficient working dog also. Portuguese water dogs are dogs of water. They love to work...