Keeping Your Dog Safe During the Holidays
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Write to Dr. Jacki, ASK THE VET
With the holidays here, we're all busy bustling around to get ready. But don't forget about your pets and their safety with all these new and curious goodies about. Here are a few tips to help you keep your furry friends out of trouble:
- If at all possible, place your tree in a spot where your pets can be kept separated. Cats have been known to climb them and dogs like to eat them. Either way, it's dangerous. Use fishing line to secure the top of your tree to the wall or a fixture, just in case. Cover the base of your tree to keep the pets from drinking the water.
- Remember fire safety with candles and lights. Only burn these when you are home, and be sure to tuck all electrical cords under or behind furniture to keep curious pets from chewing.
- Holiday plants such as Mistletoe, Poinsettias and Holly are dangerous to our pets. Keep them well out of reach.
- Avoid using hooks to hang ornaments. Switch to string or ribbons that are less hazardous to tiny digestive systems.
- As always, keep human foods separate for humans. The many rich goodies that are around at this time of year can make a pup or kitten quite sick, so be sure to secure all food when you are not keeping an eye on it.
- Tinsel is also a no-no if you have pets.
- Finally, keep in mind that dogs will find food, even if wrapped as a gift. Did I mention that dogs WILL find food? Place all food, or items that might possibly smell like food, out of reach of dogs, preferably in closed cabinets or closets.
Make this holiday a safe and happy one for your furry friends. Happy New Year!

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