Jobs for Dog Lovers

It is every dog lover's dream to be able to spend as much time as they can with their favorite animal. If you had the chance to look after them and get paid in the process, wouldn't you do it? More and more animal lovers are realizing that they can convert their passion for animals into a proper profession. For those who cannot afford to have pets of their own, because of financial constrains, housing limitations, or strict/allergic parents or spouses, can try looking for jobs than involve taking care of dogs. Every dog lover will find something useful from the list mentioned below. Nonetheless, we will proceed from the easiest to the rather complicated list of jobs for dog lovers, in terms of the time and money spent by you in learning and practicing the job. It must also be noted that there are no fix margins to the income you can earn, as the rates may fluctuate from bigger cities to smaller ones. The second constraint is that your earnings will depend a lot on your clientele and how much are you willing to charge them for your services.
List of Careers for Dog Lovers 1 - Dogs Daycare You can work in a dog-care facility or become a dog-care owner if you have the initial capital to invest for a lease and incorporation of your business. If not, you can simply work for a dog daycare unit. The concept is similar to child daycare centers, wherein people with busy schedule can get their pet dogs to the daycare facility. It will be your responsibility to look after the dogs, take them out for walks, feed them, and play with them.
2 - Dog Walker This is an ideal job for people with plenty of free time and also happens to be a well paid job, especially if you are walking dogs in big cities. At an average, you'll be paid anywhere between US $15-20 on an hourly basis. You can take 2-4 dogs out for a walk together at one time, thereby increasing your average pay on a daily basis.
3 - Dog Sitter This job entails that you look after the dogs of a particular family for a few hours, or days, if they are out of station or cannot be at home. It will be you responsibility to look after the dogs as if they were your own and see to it that all their needs are met. You can earn about US $50-100 for every day spent with the dogs and bargain on the sum you'll be paid for every hour spent taking care of the dogs.
4 - Dog Rescue and Shelter You may volunteer to work in a dog shelter, where you can bestow all your love and care for these abandoned, ill, and disabled dogs. You'll be doing these dogs a big favor by looking after them and being kind to them. You could also volunteer to rescue dogs who are in danger.
5 - Dog Grooming A very interesting job, especially for women who can use their beauty expertise, for grooming dogs! You will need to learn all there is about bathing dogs, cleaning their fur, nails, teeth, etc. You will also need to learn how to give dog's hairstyles and hair trims. This is a financially stable job and will pay you really good money.
6 - Cooking Meals for Dogs You can open your own store which sells organic and natural foods made especially for dogs and cats. When you think about it, all the canned foods have added preservatives and chemicals. A cheaper option would be to have a page online where people can order for food, or call you and can get it delivered or personally come and take the package.
7 - Dog Trainer If you're good with dogs and have a knack at training these adorable pets, then you may seriously consider training dogs as a profession. You do not need a degree for this job, which makes it a convenient option, for teenagers and college students who wish to take this as more than just a hobby!
8 - Pet Supplies You can always work at a pet supplies store where the clients are allowed to bring their pets along. This will be an excellent opportunity for you to spend time with a lot of dogs, as well as learn about the nuances involved in maintaining such a store. You may use this information, for starting your own venture some day.
9 - Dog Breeder This is no cakewalk and is not everyone's cup of tea. In order to become a professional dog breeder, you must first register yourself as one, as per the laws of your state. Dog lovers are usually very well-informed about dog breeds and can easily distinguish between a pure breed and a mixed/inferior breed. You'll need to be aware about the various diseases that affect particular dog breeds and how to treat it. You will also need to learn about the type of food you must feed each breed and how to groom them. All of this is necessary for providing your clients with the information they're seeking.
10 - Dog Behaviorist It will be your job to train other people's dogs to follow commands and become guard dogs. You will need to teach the dogs how to detect danger and help in rescue missions. It is a very tedious job and requires you to either have your own training center or you to personally go and teach the dogs at their homes. You will need to get a dog trainer certification in order to be able to practice this job. The course is not very expensive and can be easily cleared. How much you earn depends completely on how much you quote and how much you are charged. This job requires a lot of knowledge about dogs, patience and a strict demeanor around difficult and aggressive dogs.
11 - Vet Technician You will need to pay for getting this certification and it takes time in order to complete the course. However, if you can afford it, it is a very rewarding job because it will allow you to save the lives of ill and injured dogs. It is also a well-paying job. The next best option is to become a full-fledged veterinarian doctor, however the only flip side is that you will need to treat other animals as well.
These are a few jobs which you can do without investing too much money and time. It depends on you as to how much time you would like to spend with the dogs and on the job. It can either become a full-time job or be treated as a part-time option. For those who wish to take up the job as a profession, they can try opening a business in a few years time which deals with taking care of dog and their every need such as their grooming, training, accessories, toys, food, kennels, and exercise. Good Luck!
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