Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Dogs

Irritable bowel syndrome in dogs can be described as a dog health problem where the rhythmic contraction of the digestive tract of your pet gets affected. It is believed that it is due to problem in communication between the autonomous nervous system and muscles of the large intestine. This results in abnormal movements of food and waste material in the stomach and intestines. In this condition, large amount of mucus and toxins get accumulated in the intestine and block the digestive tract partially and causes distention in the stomach. It can happen to all dog breeds and both sexes are equally prone to it. In most cases, the exact cause is unknown. As the problem is associated with the nervous system, stress could be one of the contributing factors. Besides, poor eating habit, food allergies and blockage in the tract due to ingestion of objects like toys, can also be held responsible.
Symptoms As the bowel movement is not consistent, constipation and diarrhea are the two commonly observed symptoms and they often occur alternately. In diarrhea, small volumes of soft stool is passed quite frequently. The morning bowel movement could be normal but in the later part of the day it becomes loose or runny and continues throughout the day. Mucus can be found in the stool. The diarrhea episode may be followed by constipation when the stool is hard and the dog feels strain to defecate. Occasional vomiting or nausea is another symptom. Sometimes, it is accompanied by diarrhea. Abdominal pain happens mainly due to flatulence and excessive bloating. The intensity of the pain may vary from mild to severe. Sometimes, they develop intolerance towards some foods. Along with all these symptoms, if they start losing weight drastically, then it is a clear indication that your pet is suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBD).
Treatment The most important part of the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome in dogs is the dietary modification. The diet prescribed is different in every individual case. Some pets respond very well to bone and raw food diet (BARF) and home cooked food may suit others. Improvement in the condition could be seen in some of them after inclusion of white or brown rice in the diet. High fiber dog food may work for some. Therefore, you have to experiment to check out which one works best for you pet and stick to that diet. One thing is for sure that when the pet is suffering from IBD the diet should be very simple. Keep them away from all those dog foods that contain synthetic preservatives, spicy foods, dairy products, etc, as they tend to worsen the condition. Proteins and grains should not be given together. Many pets do not get cured with dietary changes alone. In those cases, suitable medicines are prescribed by veterinarian. Those who get diarrhea frequently or show urgency to defecate are administered with anti diarrheal drugs. To control flatulence and bloating, anti gas medicines are given. Antispasmodic medicines may also be given to control the abnormal muscular spasm of stomach and intestine.
Irritable bowel syndrome in dogs is one such dog illness that causes a lot of frustration to both the pet owners and the pet as the symptoms tend to flare up repeatedly after frequent interval of time. Even though it leads to deterioration in dog health, this is not a life-threatening condition. It will not have any adverse effect on the life expectancy of your pet. With proper dog care and regular visit to the veterinarian, you can keep the symptoms in check.
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