Help the ASPCA Raise $100,000...with your vote:
by Carrie Boyko
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ASK THE TRAINER at All Things Dog Blog
Walmart and its top pet suppliers are asking Americans to join them in their support for the ASPCA® (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and its Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month.
Animal lovers everywhere are encouraged to visit and help “Lend A Paw” to support the ASPCA’s mission to save and improve the lives of millions of animals nationwide. By clicking on the “Create a ‘Lend A Paw’ Post” button, Walmart, through the generous contribution of key pet suppliers, will donate $1 for each post (for a total donation of up to $100,000). All funds raised go to support the ASPCA, the first organization in the Western Hemisphere dedicated to the humane treatment of animals. Can you spare a minute to help?
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© Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved

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© copyright Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved
Dog Body Language: A Primer From The Aspca
(c) by Carrie Boyko (c) Reader copyright on fileHow would you describe Hondo's Body Language?This guys looks relaxed, content and friendly to me, but those are not the words that all rescuers and other dog professionals...
Smelly Dog. Smelly Dog. It Is Your Fault!
by Carrie Boyko all rights reserved Tanner seems to want me to write a dog's version to Phoebe's song, "Smelly Cat". Do you remember that from FRIENDS?"Smelly cat. Smelly Cat. It's not your fault." Looks like now it will...
This Just In: All Things Dog Blog Author Releases Interview To...
by Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved Find me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter Write to Dr. Jacki, ASK THE VET ASK THE DOG TRAINER at All Things Dog Blog Blog Interviewer, a website that introduces you to the authors...
Happy Mew Year! Important Pet-related Dates For 2010
By Julia Williams Humans have an inordinate number of days, weeks and months each year designated as holidays or tributes, or “special” days that recognize this, that and the other. Some are national holidays of a serious nature, while others are...
Why Donate To The Aspca And Local Shelters?
By Linda Cole Pet owners understand the cost associated with caring for their pet or pets. Food, vaccinations, flea control, toys, beds and medical assistance when needed – it all adds up far too quickly sometimes. Shelters deal with financial challenges...