Guess Who'll Visit Tanner and Oliver
by Carrie Boyko, CEB  |
© Tanner on the Lookout |
I've been hinting around on Twitter that Tanner and Oliver have a very special guest coming soon. Our visit is a purposeful one, intended to share some new skills with our important guest, while also assisting with some advice on a family-building effort. Tanner and Oliver each have a part in the plans and we'll be sharing these with you very soon.
With the help of Home Goods, we're preparing a cozy spot with a view of the pool, just for our famous fido. Today, we'll get the ball rolling. There are hints in this infographic and this post as to the identity of our visitor. Can you figure it out? Leave your guesses in our comments section. Check out my Tweets with the @HomeGoods handle to get some excellent hints.

Dog names graphic produced by Matt Beswick for Pet365. Click here to view the original post.I love the question at the end of this graphic: "What would your name be if your dog had chosen it?" Let the commenting begin!
Chic Dog Decor Finds New Home
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Tanner and Oliver Give Obama Beds Two Paws Up Thanks to our Bo Obama visit, we've had a few nice things to give away recently, compliments of chic pet products from HomeGoods. If you are one of the...
All Things Dog Blog Goes To Global
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Ready for a Fetch Game, Tanner? As I write this, I'm preparing to head out for Global Pet Expo, the largest pet product expo in the country. It's an exciting time for pet product makers with new product...
The 12 Dogs Of Christmas: Let The Caroling Begin!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB This 12 dogs of Christmas graphic was produced by Pet365 - a UK stockist of brands like Hurtta and Hamish McBeth These graphics from Pet365 are always fun to share. The humor and timeliness of this one made it a perfect hit for...
Did You Know I Love Dogs? And Dog Parks!
I love wondering what they're smelling when they sniff a spot for a long time. Their noses are supposedly a million times more sensitive than ours. I think, if they could talk, they'd tell us that Midas was just at this spot. Where is Midas today?...
Dog Park Fun: Wait For Me! I Want That Frisbee Too!
© photo copyright Carrie Boyko 2008 Oliver Races after TannerAs He Catches the Frisbee Like a Pro Poor Oliver! The Frisbee is bigger than he is, so there's just no catching it for him. The same goes for fetch with a tennis ball. He can't even...