Gator Toy Winners Learn Safety Issues
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Be Safe in Summer Swimming |
Thanks to all of you who joined in the fun of sharing our Gator Safety Rules and entering to win a Gator toy for your dog.
It thrilled me to see how many of you were truly interested in this safety issue and took time to learn and research on your own. Thanks also to those of you who had some great suggestions. We even discovered that there are differing opinions from experts on how to run from a charging gator. Let's hope we never have to try that!
Today we have 4 winners who will each receive a gator toy for their Fido. While these are much safer than playing with the real thing, they're still toys; be sure to offer playtime with supervision. Whether your Fido is playing with a vinyl or plush toy, there are still minor dangers. Always be safe!
Today's winners are Jennifer C., Sherry B., Annette C., and Marlene Smith. Note that on August 11 I redrew for the winners who have not replied to my email efforts. The new winners are: Chantelle F., Sandy W., and Jenna Z.You'll receive an email from [email protected]. Be sure to reply with your shipping address and your dog's breed and weight for a surpirse, so we can get your gator toy and goodies to your dog. Enjoy!
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