FURminator Giveaway and Weekend Excitement
by Carrie Boyko, CEB  |
© Carrie Boyko Nothing Like a Good Brushing |
I love giving away prizes and you guys have most definitely made it known that you need help with your shedding problems. We had some fun reviewing the FURminator.
Thanks for the chatter on all the social networks. I wish I had more than this one FURminator to offer, but I've got what I've got. Tomorrow's post will have another surprise in it, so be sure to check back.
This week's prize winner is a no-brainer. We had one reader that was highly determined to get herself a FURminator. She entered with just about every option I offered. Ya gotta admire diligence!
Congratulations Michelle Spayde; your Pomeranian will soon have a thinner coat for Summer. We hope you'll send pictures of the piles of fur you get off that little furball! The folks at FURminator would love to see.
Before I head out, allow me to plug some upcoming excitement. As you may already know, my dogs eat an organic dog food. It all started when Xena and I both got cancer diagnoses in the same season. We took action and quick.
It's time to address this subject by sharing some info on food choices. I'll start tomorrow with an intro and throughout the next two weeks, you'll learn more as I work my way toward the Big Reveal. I'll be sharing our choice for organic chow and why we chose it.
I look forward to your questions and comments, here and on the social networks. And I especially look forward to giving away 12 bags of dog food. Don't miss a single edition of this two week series, as there will be little surprises along the way. See you tomorrow when we start the fun.
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