Frisbee Dog Debut: Chris and Kota
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I know you have all been enjoying the guest posts from Chris Engel about training a Frisbee dog. Let me hear you cheer wildly for Kota's first appearance:(c) video copyright
Chris will be back in a few days with one final entry to his series on disc dogging. In this last post, Chris will give you the insider's view on choosing discs. You will find this very interesting, as it seems that a typical Frisbee is not your best choice. Tanner and I plan to go shopping!
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Free And Fun: New Features At All Things Dog Blog
Find me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter Write to Dr. Jacki, ASK THE VET ASK THE TRAINER at All Things Dog Blog Spring is here and we're celebrating with a little spring spruce up. The blog has a few new features...
Frisbee Training Begins...
Part IV in a Series of V by Chris EngelTeam-Bandit(c) photo copyright Kristie MoserKota Demonstrates his Talent Welcome back to Frisbee Dog 101. This is Part IV in my series of V. If you have missed the first 3, you might want to go back and catch...
Frisbee Dog 101: Dog Selection For Frisbee Dog Enthusiasts
Part II in a series of V by Chris Engel Team-Bandit(c) photo copyright Kristie Moser Kota was Adopted Because of His Love for the FrisbeeThis article is Part II in a series entitled Frisbee Dog 101, by guest writer Chris Engel. Today Chris will...
Frisbee Dog 101: Part I In A Series Of V
by Guest Writer Chris Engel (c) photo copyright Kristie MoserBandit Catches a FrisbeePlease welcome guest writer Chris Engel, a Frisbee dog competitor with Team-Bandit out of Leesburg, Florida. Chris’s dog Bandit has quite an extensive...
Successful Frisbee Dog Adoption
You can't miss this video. At Disc Dog Nation, you'll find Chris's blog and a video of his new pup, Kota. Congratulations to Kota for finding a forever home with Chris. You may remember seeing Kota in my sidebar, as Kodi, a pup looking for...