Flaxseed Oil for Dogs

The health benefits of flaxseed or linseed oil have been identified by humans since time immemorial. It is a rich source of omega-3-fatty acids, which has been recognized as a cholesterol lowering agent. Apart from that, flaxseed oil offers various health benefits for humans. Like in the case of humans, this oil is also found to be beneficial for pets, especially for cats and dogs.
Flaxseed Oil Supplements for Dogs You can find a wide range of dog foods in the market, which boast of high nutritional value. However, these commercial foods may be deficient in some key nutrients like omega-3 essential fatty acids, which can protect the dog from various diseases and disorders. So, flaxseed oil supplements, which are rich in these essential fatty acids, are recommended for dogs. It is available in liquid form or as capsules. Some people use ground flaxseed as a supplement, instead of oil. However, flaxseed oil in liquid form (especially the cold pressed one) or as capsules are preferred. Normally, this oil will be golden in color with a nutty smell. It has to be stored in a cool, dark place and once it turns rancid, it has to be thrown away.
Benefits of Flaxseed Oil for Dogs This oil has long been recommended for dogs as a food supplement. It was mainly used as a remedy for skin conditions like, itching and loss of fur. Now, it is one of the most recommended supplements for dogs, as it is found to be beneficial in various ways. It is a well-known fact that this oil is beneficial for skin problems in dogs, like, shedding. By using flaxseed supplements for dogs, a healthier coat and skin can be obtained. Apart from this, flaxseed oil is also an anti-inflammatory agent, which can fight dog illnesses like, inflammatory bowel disease and arthritis. It has also been suggested that regular use of flaxseed for dogs, prevents cholesterol, high blood pressure and problems related to heart beats. It is also good for preventing and controlling heart diseases in dogs. It is also good for preventing and slowing down the growth of dog cancer. Above all, flaxseed oil is found to be good for boosting the immune system of your pet. In case of dog allergies, supplements with this oil are recommended for preventing and controlling the symptoms. It is also claimed lignin, one of the compounds in flaxseed oil has antifungal and antiviral properties. It is also contended that it is due to the presence of lignin, that flaxseed oil has cancer-fighting properties. Some studies shows that this oil regulates various bodily functions in dogs, like calcium and energy metabolism and kidney and artery function.
Flaxseed Oil Dosage for Dogs You can add this supplement to the dog food, as per the recommended dosage. Flaxseed oil dosage for dogs is determined as per the type of dog and its weight. The recommended dosage is one teaspoon for every 25 pounds of the body weight of the dog. You may administer it as a single dosage or split it as per the number of meals. It will be better to mix it with semisolid or liquid food rather than dry food. However, some dogs may not have the ability to break down the components in flaxseed oil, thereby reducing its health benefits. Some other dogs may develop an oily coat with dandruff flakes, after the consumption of such supplements. In both cases, you can stop giving such supplements for dogs. In case you dog develops the former condition, you can switch to fish oil as a replacement for flaxseed oil.
In short, flaxseed oil is beneficial for dog health. If you are confused about the right supplement for your dog, seek the opinion of the veterinarian. Otherwise too, it is better to consult the veterinarian before starting any food supplements for dogs.
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