Fido's Freebie Friday Spring Spruce Up Continues
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Welcome to our weekly shopping mall of pet product giveways, prizes, freebies and contests. Want to share this post with another blogger, friend or family member? Simply click on the little envelope icon at the bottom, and you'll have an opportunity to ship this post to anyone you'd like, postage free! Thanks for sharing, and be sure to let me and our other visitors know how you liked this feature, by leaving a comment.
Last week I announced some Spring cleanup here at Fido's Freebie Friday. Soon we'll be unveiling a new button that is perfect for any spot on your blog. I've had the tough talk with Tanner, and after showering him with treats and an extra long Fetch game he's decided it's okay to retire his old badge image. Expect to see something new and different!
If you're worried about having to replace your old button, set those worries aside. We'll be replacing it for you by changing out the image attached to the code. If you've entered the button with code this change will occur without any effort on your part. Those of you who used a linked image will need to replace the button yourself.
Last week I started a new feature to help bloggers getting started with product reviews. Product Review Pointers will appear each week in a short, actionable format. You can read last week's tip here. No long posts that take weeks to tackle. Now, let's get to this week's tip:
Pet Product Review Tip #2: Creating a Product Review Plan
Check out some of your most trusted blogs to compare/contrast their reviews. Ask yourself what features you like and which are less appealing to you. Consider your ability to accomplish each of the tasks involved and create a plan or template for your basic product review.
I'll be including a tip each week, working my way through the process of selecting, acquiring, preparing, writing, photographing and publishing a product review. Watch for these tips each week, right here at Fido's Freebie Friday.More Info for Bloggers:
Fido's Freebie Friday's Help Page remains open to newer bloggers who wish to participate. This page includes information and links to FTC guidelines, Facebook regulations regarding contests and giveaways, photo tips, and help with linking up to our blog hop.
Our Schedule: As in the past, each week's new version of Fido's Freebie Friday will continue to open at 4 PM ET on Thursdays. Linkups now remain OPEN through 3:59 PM ET the following Thursday, giving you 24/7 access to your giveaway posts on All Things Dog Blog and our partner, Doggies and Stuff.
Our Ridiculously Easy Rules:- Fido's Freebie Friday Blog Hop is open to posts about giveaways, contests, drawings, prizes, and freebies for pet products or services only, including pet-related or pet-themed items for owners. Feel free to link up multiple items if you have more than one giveaway going on.
- One additional detail to note: Please make it easy on our shoppers by linking to your specific giveaway post url. We want to make it easier for readers to find your giveaway.
- Very soon we'll reveal our new badge that you can place in your sidebar or post. You may also link to this post in your Fido's Freebie Friday blog post and invite your readers to tell us that you sent them. Your hosts are All Things Dog Blog and Doggies and Stuff.
Welcome and happy shopping!

Individual rules of entry and guidelines for winning may apply to each listing. All Things Dog Blog and Doggies and Stuff take no responsibility for the legality of the rules governing the listings on other sites and giveaways that are posted here. We simply provide this forum as a gathering place for pet product giveaways to be offered. Please consult All Things Dog Blog's Giveaway and Contest Rules for more detail.
Pet Product Giveaways, Prizes, Contests: Fido's Freebie Friday!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Oops! We overslept. That PUBLISH button did not get the memo. Oh my! My bad! Please don't fire us! We're here and open for business. You've found the right place. Fido's Freebie Friday got a makeover...
Fido's Freebie Friday Gets A Fun New Button!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Hello Readers! Within the next several days a new button will appear here on my blog, as well as on Doggies and Stuff, for the Fido's Freebie Friday weekly giveaway event. Feel free to grab the code for the button from my...
Pet Product Review Tips Begin At Fido's Freebie Friday
by Carrie Boyko, CEB We've begun to do a little Spring cleaning here at Fido's Freebie Friday. It's always nice to have a fresh look, some fresh material, and a refresher course on what things are all about. Today, I'll start...
Pet Product Excitement At Fido's Freebie Friday
by Carrie Boyko, CEB If you missed my Wednesday post about pet product and industry insights, you may wish to take a peek and see what I learned at last week's mega product show, Global Pet Expo. There are some exciting things happening in pet...
Fidos Freebie Friday At Global Pet Expo
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Yes; you read right. I'm trekking the floors of the Orlando Convention Center, looking for the best products and coolest new pet ideas. What I find here will largely determine what you see in my reviews, giveaways and ads throughout...