Fido's Freebie Friday Looking Forward to Holiday Fun
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Can you believe there are only two weeks left until Thanksgiving? With family and company coming in throughout the holidays I'm excited and looking forward to seeing the people I miss most during the year.
Tanner and Oliver enjoy family gatherings as much as I do. Their enthusiasm for visitors is evident in the wagging tails and their race to the front door each time the bell rings. This is their favorite part, with the possible exception of the smell of wonderful foods cooking.
If you've come to Fido's Freebie Friday looking for goodies to win for your Fido or Fluffy, this is the place. Please take your time perusing the listings and click through to those that appeal to you. Keep in mind that giveaways are added through midnight on Friday, so check back over the weekend to see what else has popped up.
Thanksgiving Schedule Change
Fido's Freebie Friday will be open on Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday for linkups. I plan to leave my giveaways running open for 2 full weeks through Friday, December 2. This will also allow me to take a little time away from the blog to spend with visiting family and handle other tasks. Watch for a bumper crop of giveaways that will be sure to peak your enthusiasm. Don't miss this big opportunity to win lots of goodies.
The #BarkFriday Twitter Party will be one of the other tasks. I hope to see you all there on Black Friday at 11:00 AM EST. We'll be giving away about 6 dozen prizes related to the Twitter Party and offering tips for saving money during the party chatter. If you have not yet RSVP'd, please visit my announcement post to do so. You'll find links to helpful Twitter articles in the left sidebar if you need assistance. 
Individual rules of entry and guidelines for winning may apply to each listing. All Things Dog Blog and Doggies and Stuff take no responsibility for the legality of the rules governing the listings on other sites and giveaways that are posted here. We simply provide this forum as a gathering place for pet product giveaways to be offered. Please consult All Things Dog Blog's Giveaway and Contest Rules for more detail.
Pet Product Excitement At Fido's Freebie Friday
by Carrie Boyko, CEB If you missed my Wednesday post about pet product and industry insights, you may wish to take a peek and see what I learned at last week's mega product show, Global Pet Expo. There are some exciting things happening in pet...
Fido's Freebie Friday Offers Giveaways To Be Thankful For
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Fido's Freebie Friday will be opening while I'm stuffing myself silly. Sorry, but I just had to say it. No visuals though. It won't be pretty. The turkey, ham, stuffing and all the traditional yummies will all be...
Fido's Freebie Friday Ready For Furry Friend Fun!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Okay, enough with the alliteration, I know. I think it's a disease. Sorry. Halloween has me just a tad bit excited and equally overwhelmed. Photo contest fun has been rampant here as judging continues. What's best is that...
Fido's Freebie Friday Loves Halloween Fun
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Did you notice all the fun Halloween giveaways in last week's Fido's Freebie Friday? There were costumes, treats, photo contests, movies, Halloween toys and more. I'm expecting to see more of the same this week...
Fido's Freebie Friday Ferrets Out Fun Giveaways
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Welcome to another Fido's Freebie Friday, where we seek out the best giveaways from pet blogs around the Internet. If you're here for the first time, please enjoy a look around, click the images below that interest you...