Fido's Freebie Friday Invites Listings of Pet Giveaways
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
I'm home from Blogpaws. We all enjoyed networking, listening to speakers, checking out new products, catching up with old and new friends, and taking mini-classes on all sorts of pet blogging topics. I learned a ton and Oliver was a great big help in the PR area, as well as acting as the Blogpaws Bouncer.
Enough about that, though. You're here about the Fido's Freebie Friday giveaways, right? Of course! We'll do our best to round up some freebies this week. Be sure to check in on Friday afternoon when more linkups have checked in.
For bloggers:
Now for bloggers looking to link up to the hop. You'll find a Help Page with all sorts of resources and answers, from FTC guidelines to Facebook's new rules, to photo tips, and the how-to list for linking up your blog post. If you have ideas for anything else that may be useful to add, we encourage you to leave a comment.
For bloggers stopping in to link up their giveaways, you need to know our hours and the 2 rules for participation:
The Fido's Freebie Friday Blog Hop is open to posts about giveaways, drawings, prizes, and freebies for pet products or services only, including pet-related items for owners. Feel free to link up multiple items if you have more than one giveaway going on.
Please post the badge or a link to this post in your Fido's Freebie Friday blog post and invite your readers to tell us you sent them. Your hosts are All Things Dog Blog and Doggies and Stuff.
You will find some of these giveaways listed at other sites around the Internet, such as:

Individual rules of entry and guidelines for winning may apply to each listing. All Things Dog Blog and Doggies and Stuff take no responsibility for the legality of the rules governing the listings on other sites and giveaways that are posted here. We simply provide this forum as a gathering place for pet product giveaways to be offered.

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