Enteritis in Dogs

Enteritis in dogs is one of the common illnesses present in domestic pet animals. In medicine, the term enteritis refers to inflammation of intestines, particularly the small intestine. The infection can be caused by a number of bacteria and viruses. The examples of bacteria responsible for enteritis of small intestine in dogs are
Escherichia coli, etc. Some of the viruses that are known to cause enteritis in dogs are parvovirus, rotavirus, salmonellosis, coronavirus, etc. Enteritis does not affect any particular dog breed. Hence, your pet dog is always at a risk of getting enteritis. Therefore, there are chances that your dog may get enteritis at any stage of life. Since, the possibility of ailment cannot be ruled out completely. It is prudent that you prepare yourself for proper dog care to save your canine friend's life.
Enteritis Symptoms in Dogs The enteritis symptoms in dogs are easily noticeable. It often involves fast passage of waste material through large intestine or colon. It increases the frequency of defecation. The feces are loose and watery. It often gives out a characteristic foul order. Enteritis symptoms in dogs also include abdominal muscle cramps, fever, vomiting, dehydration, and diarrhea. The diarrhea may be green or profuse. It resembles a pea soup in appearance. Sometimes, blood is also found to be present in the stool. This particular symptom suggests damage of the intestinal wall by infection.
Canine enteritis is one of those diseases that needs to be given proper and timely medical attention. In case your dog is suffering from enteritis and you fail to provide him adequate and timely medical treatment, the condition may take a more serious form. In such a severe case, the symptoms of bacterial enteritis in dogs are bloody stained diarrhea and frequent vomiting. The presence of black, or tar-like blood in stool indicates that the duodenum has been damaged. If the blood is bright red in color, it means that the colon has been destroyed to some extent.
Enteritis Treatment for Dogs If the symptoms of enteritis is mild, it may not require to be treated. The symptoms usually disappear on their own. The recovery process may take a few days. However, if the signs of enteritis are serious and alarming, you should take your dog to a veterinarian. The veterinary treatment for enteritis depends upon the age, cause and severity of the disease. The treatment begins with the cure of diarrhea. The vet may give your dog some medicines that slow down excretion and movements of the intestinal tract. The focus is also on preventing or treating dehydration. Supportive nutrients and fluids are given to the dog. They may be administered intravenously or subcutaneously to your dog if he is not in a state to have it orally. Antibiotics may be given to your dog if he has bacterial enteritis. Many veterinarians consider prescribing substances like kaopectate to coat the intestine. The coating of intestines is especially beneficial in case of moderate canine enteritis.
You might have heard about radiation for enteritis. It is described as the inflammation of the lining of the small intestine due to radiation therapy, which is form of a cancer treatment. The symptoms of radiation enteritis are anorexia, diarrhea, weight loss, nausea, etc. The treatment involves feeding the dog on foods that are completely devoid of fat and dairy products, giving him small meals and medicines to cure diarrhea.
While your dog is getting treatment for enteritis, you should monitor its condition closely. You should try to keep your dog away from other pet animals and children. This is because enteritis in dogs is contagious and spreads fast through physical contact. Enteritis is life-threatening in case of dogs younger than 6 months of age. Keep note of all the points mentioned here in this article. All this information will definitely help you save the life of your or some street dog.
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