Doggie Tails: Trivia and Tidbits

By Anna Lee
Have you ever wondered if your favorite actress, singer or other celebrity owns the same breed of dog that you have? Did Teddy Roosevelt have a dog? Can’t think of a movie with a German Shepherd Dog? I’ve done some research, and following are the interesting tidbits and trivia I came up with regarding our tail wagging stars.
Tidbits and TriviaThe Obama Family, as most of you probably know, are new owners of a Portuguese Water Dog that was given to them by Ted Kennedy. Senator Kennedy and his wife own several of the breed. If you are interested in getting one of those adorable puppies, check out the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America for a list of available pups.
Our former Presidents have had a variety of dogs. George Washington had 10 hounds, while Thomas Jefferson had a Sheepdog. Ulysses S. Grant had a Newfie named Faithful. Teddy Roosevelt had several breeds including a Chesapeake Bay Retriever named Sailor Boy. LBJ was known for his Beagles, Jimmy Carter had a “mixed breed” named Grits, while the Clintons had Cockers before they had a Chocolate Lab living in the White House.
Oprah at one time had a house full of Yellow Labs with a few Cockers. Now she is down to two Cockers and three Golden Retrievers. Elton John also favors Cocker Spaniels. Ellen Degeneres had a rescue Border Collie. Bob Barker of “The Price is Right” fame owned a Labrador named Winston.
Martha Stewart is known for her Chow dogs. Ashley Judd, the adorable daughter of Noami Judd, has a Cockapoo that was a gift from her famous mom. Trisha Yearwood (Mrs. Garth Brooks) had a mutt. Alan Jackson has been known to carry around his 4 pound Yorkie, Coco Chanel.
There have been many TV shows, commercials and movies featuring dogs. Here are some in no particular order.
Movies/TVWho could not love
Lassie – a Collie
Lady and the Tramp – Cocker Spaniel and a mixed breed
Out of Africa – Scottish Deer Hound
The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin – German Shepherd
Beethoven – St. Bernard
Down and Out in Beverly Hills – Border Collie
Honey I Shrunk the Kids – Jack Russell Terrier
The tearful
Old Yeller – Lab (although some think it was not pure lab)
The modern day tear jerker,
Marley and Me – Lab
Topper – St. Bernard
Air Bud – Golden Retriever
CommercialsBush Beans Spokes-Dog, Duke – Golden Retriever
Flea and Tick product commercials – yellow lab puppies
Cottonelle toilet paper commercials – yellow lab puppies
Did you know?* The oldest living dog resides in Long Island, NY; it’s a Dachshund by the name of Channel. She was entered in the Guinness World Book of Records in May of 2009. Channel is 21 human years old, which is 120 in dog years!
* The greyhound can reach speed of 45 mph.
* The Irish Wolfhound is the tallest dog, and measures 36 inches at the shoulders. They range in weight from 100-125 pounds.
* The Great Dane is the second tallest dog at 32 inches at the shoulder, and can weigh about 120.
* The St. Bernard, the shortest of the giant dogs at 30 inches at the shoulder, can weigh up to 200 pounds.
* The smallest dog is a long-haired Chihuahua that stands at 4 inches tall and weighs 8 ounces.
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