Stop your dog's behavior problems by learning the secrets to dog training. You need to learn how to become the alpha dog in your home. If you don't, you may have a problem with training your dog.
Dogs are pack animals and they have retained the instinct and concept of having a pack leader. You will be the pack leader in your home if you learn the following steps that I have outlined in this article.
You will need to elect yourself as the alpha dog right from the beginning of your relationship. You'll also need to enforce this position throughout your relationship.
Your household members will need to be aware of the enforcing of this position. If the members of your household do not assert your position as being superior to your dog, then the dog will try to insert his place in the ranking system. This is natural because of their pack instincts. The problem is... you can't let this happen!
A dog will get confused if one person gives leeway to do things and not by another person of the household. He won't know the appropriate response.
See his world through his eyes. He's looking to the alpha dog for domination.
Follow these tips and you'll find success at being in charge.
1) Adolescent Dog
An adolescence dog, from 6 months to 14 months of age will try to raise their position in the hierarchy. You'll need to be extra alert during this time to prevent his hormonally changed behavior from becoming a permanent problem.
2) Sleeping Dogs Need to Move
Don't go out of your way to disturb your sleeping dog. But if he's sleeping on the floor, a doorway or walkway, they you can have him move so that you can pass. You want to keep your alpha position. This will reinforce your position.
3) Moving Ahead of Your Dog
You should never allow your dog to go through a doorway first. The alpha dog has the right of way and you'll need to use that right of way at all times. Make him sit or wait while you walk through first. In the wild, the alpha dog leads the way and everyone in the pack follows.
4) Alphas Eat First
Ensure that your dog eats after all of the family members have eaten. Then, you can feed him. Again, this reinforces the wild pack leader where the alpha dog eats first before the other dogs further down the chain.
5) Treats
Don't feed your dog treats of food without him earning the privilege. If you do feed him scraps from the table it will encourage poor behavior. A dog will pester people while they are at the dinner table and it can become a difficult habit to break.
If you're using treats as a training aid you will devalue food in your dog's eyes if you give him treats at any other time. If you keep treats for training purposes only, then you'll get a good response out of your buddy.
6) I'm Home
When you arrive home, don't greet your dog right away. Make your dog go to his basket, bed or into another room. This will keep you in the alpha dog position. Greet all the humans in the household; put your groceries away or whatever you need to do then call your friend to you. I find this personally difficult to enforce myself because we both are so happy to see each other.
7) I Want to Go Outside
The exception to this tip is if you are house training your puppy or dog. Otherwise, if he wants to go outside make him wait or even have him go to his bed or basket for a few minutes before taking him outside.
8) Obedience
If your dog does not obey any command you give him within two to three seconds, then he's either ignoring you and your alpha dog position is under threat or he does not understand the command --- he'll need further training.
9) Be Physical
You may need to correct inappropriate behavior and send a strong message that the behavior is inappropriate and establish yourself as the alpha dog.
Give a "sit" command, be calm, and put your hand around the dog's snout. Do not squeeze it. Hold it firmly so it cannot squirm away. Make eye contact and tell your him in a stern voice... "bad dog". Apply only as much pressure as necessary for the him to be still. Send him away to another room, his bed or crate and ignore your friend for 15 minutes.
Dogs use their mouths to express themselves and to protect themselves. When you, the alpha dog, take control of their mouth, they are vulnerable. You are forcing them to submit to you.