Dog Safety During the Holidays
by Carrie Boyko, CEB |
© Even Costumes Have their Dangers |
It seems as though not a year goes by that I don't hear a horror story that involves an ER visit with Fido. Don't let this happen to you and your dog. If your pup wears clothing willingly, that's all good. But remember that adding a hat or other accessory can take his tolerance over the top. While this photo of Oliver may be cute, I will never leave him alone wearing the hat. It may end up in either his or Tanner's belly, potentially causing a blockage.
I say that with plenty of resistance as neither one of them are chewers. But often those stories I hear come from owners who tell me their dogs were not power chewers either. So play it safe and keep tabs of your dog when he's got anything new, whether it be a toy, clothing item, or new chewy toy.
If you'll be hosting family Fidos, you may wish to protect their safety by dog proofing your house further. Just the same, if you're moving during the holidays, do take time to dog proof your new home. Here are my dog proofing tips.
All of us here at the All Things Dog Blog wish you and yours a happy holiday, no matter what holiday you choose to celebrate. For us, family is first. We'll be spending some quality time bonding and will return after the New Year to bring you our fifth annual Super Dog Sunday™.
Meanwhile, #FidosFreebieFriday continues 24/7/365. Each Thursday by 4 PM ET you'll find a new edition of this #giveaway event with all your favorite blogs joining in. Be sure to visit several times a week to see what's new. Best wishes to you all!

Giving Thanks For All That Nourshes Your Soul
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Holiday Helpline Pet Tips
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Petco Holiday Winners Shine
by Carrie Boyko, CEB (c) Oliver Models Rosette Neck AccessoryI absolutely must have my head examined for tackling these sized dog giveaways. Note to self: Remember to request groups of prizes for the next holiday hoopla. While drawing...
Fido's Freebie Friday Offers Grand Goodies
by Carrie Boyko, CEB If Christmas is the holiday you celebrate, then this is definitely a very exciting week. We're counting down 10 days until the big event. Even Tanner and Oliver are getting into the spirit. Did you see their video on the upper...
Great Costume Ideas For Pets
For many pet-lovers, dressing up their pooches is much like dressing up themselves. It's a must! Do you like dressing up your Fido in clever, cute costumes as well? Some might prefer to create their own pet costumes, rather than spend money on a store-bought...