Dog Names - How to Choose a Name For Your Show Dog or Mutt
What is My Name |
The way you choose a name for a puppy is determined by whether you are hoping for trophies and ribbons or just tail wags and wet kisses.
If you have a desire to show your dog in a professional arena, there are rules that govern names.
The name of the kennel your dog came from must become part of his show name. Usually, it is the first part of his name as it is written on the certificate.
Originality is important when choosing a show dog name. The American Kennel Club (AKC) doesn't allow duplicate dog names, and will ask you to choose another name if your dog name choice is already taken.
Unusual dog names with creative spelling and dashes in them attract attention to your champ in a show, while reducing the chances of duplication. For example, your dog's show name could be "Darla's Darlin-Doggy."
Once you've selected your dog's show name, you'll still need to decide on an easier name to call her at home. In the example above, you could easily just call the her "Darlin."
If you only want a true friend and pet, you can name your dog anything you like! You will find that shorter names are better because you will be using it often-especially when training your dog.
You know that you are a true blue dog lover if you see your pet as more than just a simple friend and companion. Your puppy is your new baby, and will often be just as much trouble as a new human baby-but like a child - well worth the investment! You want the name you give your puppy to fit him or her perfectly. Below, you will find popular dog names and their actual meanings:
- Angel: Angelic; messenger of God. (Greek)
- Max The greatest. (Latin)
- Bear Strong; brave. (English and German)
- Bella Beautiful. (Latin)
- Buddy: Friend; brother. (English)
- Daisy: Eye of the day; synonym for Sun. (English)
- Buster: Hitter; puncher. (English)
- Ginger: Pep; liveliness. (English)
- Charlie: Manly; strong; free. (English)
- Lucy: Light. (Latin)
- Duke: Leader; noble. (English)
- Molly Star of the sea. (Irish and Latin)
- Jake Held by the heel; supplanter. (Hebrew)
- Princess Royal daughter. (Latin)
- Lucky Fortunate. (English)
- Sadie Princess. (English and Hebrew)
- Sophie Wisdom. (Greek)
- Rocky One who gives rest; strong, firm. (English)
Curious about what well-known celebrities have named their pooches?
- Daisy: Jessica Simpson's Maltese-Poodle
- Sammy: Justin Bieber's Papillon
- Lola:Hilary Duff's Chihuahua
- Mona: Jennifer Love Hewitt's Boxer
- Mate: Miley Cyrus's German Shepherd
- Meatball: Adam Sandler's Bulldog
- Bambi: Paris Hilton's Chihuahua
You may want to name your puppy after a famous television series or movie dog:
- Lassie
- Rin Tin Tin
- Asta
- Petey
- Murray
- Moose
- Benji
- Gidget
- Air Bud
- Sandy
Many people allow young children to name their puppies. This may help them to feel more of a bond with the new addition to the home and build a desire to take care of them.
If all else fails, you can always just take a good long look at your puppy and watch his actions. Like people, dogs have personalities that will often lend themselves to certain names like "Pokey" for slower-movers and "Speedy" for more hyper animals.
"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet," may be true, but remember that you will be calling this name for several years, so make it something you like!
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