Dog Lovers: Did You Hear the Money-Saving News?
by Carrie Boyko, CEB |
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Here's three great ways to save money this holiday season:- Anyone ordering Clean+Green Pet Stain and Odor Remover can use the special promo code SANTAPAWS to receive $5 off their order, plus free shipping on orders of $30 or more!
- Help your Fido get healthy and slim for the New Year. Purina is offering a $20 coupon on their new weight loss prescription diet. Just get your prescription from a veterinarian and then log on to print out the coupon.
- FIDO Friendly Magazine is having 26 Days of Gift Giveaways. Check the link for all the info on how you can enter to win a prize every day in December. All the pictures of the prizes are there for each day. Happy holidays!
- FIDO Friendly has more specials going on, so read on. Get the FIDO Friendly gift subscription plus a bonus Leave No Dog Behind bumper sticker, for just $19.95. This offer includes 6 bi-monthly issues. You can also choose their online version, delivered to their email address before the printed version hits the stands, for just $12.00. The online version includes bonus video within the editorial content.
- Still looking for ways to save for you and your pup? Did you know that new subscribers to All Things Dog Blog get a free download of the book, How to Put Your Dog on a Budget? Your subscription to All Things Dog Blog will make sure you never miss a post; you get all of our content in your mailbox as quick as our elves can get it there. To subscribe, just visit the blog's top right sidebar to enter your email address. Follow the prompts and be sure to activate your subscription in the confirmation email that will come to your inbox shortly. Enjoy!

Finally, speaking of saving money, I'm still looking for readers' Rover recipes to add to our FREE online cookbook. It's a work in progress and I need your help. Check the link for all the details, but here's a few interesting tidbits:- Prize for the best cookbook name
- Prize for a cookbook photo cover
- All dog names and your food photos (1 per recipe) will be included
- Prizes for the top 3 recipes
What are ya waiting for?

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© copyright Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved

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