Dog Kidney Failure Symptoms

Kidney or renal failure refers to the inability of the kidneys to remove waste products from the body, and maintain electrolyte balance. Kidney failure in dogs is generally classified into two categories, acute and chronic kidney failure. The acute kidney failure is the condition, where the kidneys suddenly become unable to eliminate wastes from the body, and regulate urine production. On the other hand, chronic kidney failure does not develop all of a sudden. Instead, the kidneys slowly and gradually cease to its filtering activities, i.e. eliminating wastes from the body. Whenever the kidneys fail to perform its normal functions, the wastes or toxic materials accumulate within the body, which can prove fatal.
Kidney Failure in Dogs Causes It can have several causes, ranging from trauma or injury, to diseases of the immune system, kidney tumor and cancer. The main factors that are found to cause kidney failure in dog are, injury to the kidneys, exposure to toxic substances like, pesticides, herbicides, rat poison or antifreeze, bacterial and fungal infections, and intake of antibiotics, blood pressure and anti-inflammatory medications. These factors usually cause acute kidney failure in canines. Acute kidney failure can also occur due to dehydration, and certain diseases like, congestive heart failure and shock. Chronic kidney failure, on the other hand, can be caused by factors like, kidney stones, congenital and genetic kidney diseases, immune system diseases and kidney tumors and cancer.
Symptoms Dogs with kidney failure can show different symptoms, depending on whether it's acute or chronic. The most common symptom is increased urination or failure to urinate. Increased urination along with increased thirst and water consumption, are the symptoms of chronic kidney failure, while failure to produce urine is a sign of acute kidney failure. Increased urination due to chronic kidney failure causes excessive fluid loss from the body, which in turn causes dehydration. Dehydration forces the affected dog to drink more water. On the other hand, the dog is more likely to produce very little or no urine with acute kidney failure. Dogs with acute kidney failure can also suffer from diarrhea and vomiting.
Some other symptoms are, loss of appetite, which eventually causes weight loss, nausea and vomiting, lethargy and weakness, diarrhea, bad breath, blood in urine and seizures. These symptoms can be observed as the conditions progress gradually. Kidney problems can also cause high blood pressure, which in turn can result in sudden blindness in dogs. As the condition becomes severe over a period of time, the dog with kidney failure will suffer from extremely painful kidneys. In this stage, you can observe a stiff gait as well as an arching back in your pet.
Diagnosis and Treatment Its diagnosis is carried out with the help of blood test and urinalysis. In case of kidney failure, the level of waste products like, urea and creatinine increase in the blood. Therefore, blood is tested to determine the level of these two waste materials in the bloodstream. To restore the functions of the kidneys, the affected dog is given intravenous fluid. Fluid therapy may succeed to restore the kidney functions for a couple of weeks to a few years. However, many times, it has been observed that the kidneys become able to continue their functions only when the treatment is going on. Once, the treatment is stopped, the kidneys also stop functioning.
If the fluid therapy succeed to restore the kidney functions, then the veterinarians can suggest some medications and a special diet, to help the kidneys perform their functions as long as possible. The diet for the dog, that has suffered kidney failure should be low in protein and phosphorus, but should include sufficient amounts of calcium and vitamin D3. Such a diet would put less pressure on the kidneys. Along with a special diet, your dog would also need subcutaneous administration of fluid, to stimulate the kidneys from time to time. Sometimes, dialysis is recommended by veterinarians to clear out the toxins accumulated in the blood, This can prolong the lifespan of the affected animal.
Generally, dogs become more prone to suffer from kidney failure with advancing age. Therefore, it is a common dog health problem among the older dogs. It is also common in certain dog breeds like, shih tzu, and cocker spaniels. Therefore, a pet owner should remain vigilant against the disease in advance, by being more watchful for these symptoms. Whenever you can discover any change in the animal's urinating habit, be sure to inform a veterinarian to ensure diagnosis of the condition in the early stage.
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