Dog Food Joy: Organix Giveaway Winners Score Big!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© S.P., reader copyright on file Kandy and Kody Enjoy Playtime |
© Cassie, reader copyright on file Meet Marley |
Well-nourished dogs who are fed a healthy, organic food just have that look about them. Their coats shine and their energy seems to always be vibrant. Two winners will be receiving a coupon for a 25 lb. bag of Organix, the official food of the All Things Dog Blog dogs.
Tanner and Oliver have never yet balked at chow when I serve their favorite. They seem to know that their Organix dinner is the best I can give them. Whatever it is that makes them love it--the taste, the absence of synthetics and toxins--they always chow down as if they don't know when their next meal is coming. No complaints from me. |
© A.O. reader copyright on file Sushi and Toby |
Thanks to all my readers who participated in the captioning of photos. Your efforts at placing messages into your images shows off your enthusiasm better than I could ever do it. I really appreciate these great pics. It's too bad there's not space to share them all here, but I try to plug them all in to Facebook, so always watch for your photos there.
© S.D., reader copyright on file Keep Trying Shiloh! |
Today's winners of a 25 lb. bag of Organix Dog Food are Valerie Z. and Nicki. Congratulations! Please get in touch at [email protected] with your mailing address. Your coupon will come shortly.
If you're not a winner today, keep trying. I'll be continuing these periodic giveaways for a while. Meanwhile, check in with Castor and Pollux Pet's Store Locator to find out where you can buy their products in your own area. Best wishes to you all.
Organix Winners Get Bonus Bowls
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © ORGANIX and More....This latest promotion of our dogs' favorite chow has really brought out some newbies, along with our long time readers who are always a pleasure to have paying us a visit. It's...
Pet Lovers Win Castor And Pollux Chow
by Carrie Boyko, CEB photo courtesy Shiloh This whopper of a giveaway for Castor and Pollux includes Organix and Natural Ultramix foods. The winners will each receive more than 20 lbs. of food, allowing them plenty of chow to transition their pets onto...
Organix Winners Offer Weight Management Wisdom
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © jp reader copyright on file Dumpling Shows his Loyalty© cd reader copyright JackOur latest Organix giveaway was a huge success. A whopping 916 entries definitely tells me you're on track to feed your dogs the best diet....
Outrageous Organix Giveaway Winners!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © H.N. reader copyright Creativity Abounds in Reader PhotosIt does my heart good to see so many of you taking the plunge into organic food. Reducing toxins, chemicals, preservatives, food coloring, and other no nos in your pet's...
Premium Dog Food Giveaway Draws Organix Fans
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko Breakfast Time...Delightful!
Thanks for joining us for this giveaway of Organix dog food. In a couple of weeks I'll be back with another giveaway. Tell your friends and stop in for our other Fido's...