Dog Ear Infection Symptoms

Being one of the common dog health problems, ear infection can cause severe pain and inflammation of the ear. Dogs can suffer from three types of ear infection, otitis externa or infection of the outer ear, otitis media or infection of the middle ear, and otitis interna or infection of the internal ear. Usually, the external ear infection can be treated easily and is not considered as a serious condition, while infection of the middle and internal ear can present some severe complications. If the internal ear infection spreads and affects the central nervous system, it may also result in death of the affected animal.
Causes of Canine Ear Infection Several factors can be responsible for this problem in dogs. It can be ear mites, which is most commonly associated with external ear infection, or an excessive growth of bacteria, fungus or yeast in the ear. Even food allergies, allergies to fleas, build up of excessive earwax can cause this infection in dogs. Many times, water can get into the ear of the dogs while swimming, and eventually, create a moist environment inside the ear, favorable for the proliferation of bacteria and fungus. This condition has been observed to be more common in certain dog breeds like, cocker spaniels, the reason being their floppy ears, and presence of excess fur inside the ear.
Canine Ear Infection Signs These symptoms can vary considerably depending on the severity of the infection, and what part of the ear has been affected. As has been mentioned already, middle and internal ear infections are of more severe in nature, and therefore produce more serious symptoms.
- Redness or tenderness can be found to often accompany this condition. Swelling and inflammation can also be present, along with a foul-smelling, yellow discharge.
- Itching often compels the affected dogs to scratch or rub their ears frequently. Itching can be an important indicator of bacterial infection or presence of ear mites.
- Frequent head shaking and tilting can be the indicators, that the dog is trying to get rid of something in its ear. It could be anything from trapped objects like, grass to water, or excessive earwax produced during ear infection; all of which can force the dog to vigorously shake its head.
- If the infection spread to middle and internal ear of the dog, then the dog may exhibit problems in balancing. Generally mild external ear infection does not cause balancing problems and hence, it can be considered as a symptom of severe ear infection.
Canine Ear Infection Treatment Its treatment usually depends on the underlying causes. Maintaining hygiene, and cleaning the ear properly with disinfectant can help to treat or control mild ear infections. If bacteria is the causative agent, then along with proper cleaning, application of antibacterial drops will be required. Similarly, for treating fungal infection, antifungal ointments can be used. Along with these medications, some simple home remedies like, apple cider vinegar, garlic can be used in the treatment. They can help to inhibit bacterial and fungal growth in the ear. However, If the infection is of severe nature, then it is better to seek the advice of an expert veterinarian.
Identifying these symptoms can play a crucial role in timely diagnosis and treatment of the condition. To prevent further recurrences of this infection, the pet owner should be very particular about proper dog care with regular ear cleaning and maintenance of general hygiene. This is especially applicable for dog breeds that have floppy ears, and those that love to swim a lot. However, while cleaning the ears, be sure not to insert cotton buds deep inside the ear. This can damage the internal parts of the ear. Also make sure to regularly trim the excess hair present in the ear of your dog, so as to ensure proper ventilation, and prevent bacterial and fungal outgrowth in that area.
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