Detangler for Dogs

I am sure you feel proud to own a smart canine at home. Yeah, you surely do! However, you would call yourself
proud only if you take the necessary care of your dog which includes its health, food, grooming etc. When I say dog grooming, there are so many things to take into account, and the best way to go about it is by maintaining proper hygiene and basically looking after it like you would for your baby! Maintaining hygiene includes bathing it every alternate day or at least once a week. So, basically what you need is a dog shampoo which acts as a hair detangler especially if you happen to own a very furry species. And this is what we are going to talk about in the paragraphs coming up. I would suggest, you keep reading.
As the name suggests, detangler is basically used to detangle (loosen) the hair or mat growth on the dog's body. It is a kind of shampoo mixture which helps through the process. If you are wondering how to choose the best detangler for your dog, well, make sure you go for the homemade detangler, since they have been proven to be effective and useful, alike and would not harm the pet's skin, in any case. The dog fur is delicate, needs special attention and technique to go about it so let us see the steps involved in detangling your canine's hair.
Step 1 Well, as I said, it is better to go for the homemade detangler recipe since it really works wonders. First of all, arrange for the homemade dog shampoo, aloe vera based conditioner, distilled water, wheat germs, essential oils (preferably scentless), spray bottle and of course, a dog comb.
Step 2 Next, make your dog ready for a healthy bath, keep him engaged and happy so that the whole process goes by with ease. Meanwhile, keep the distilled water (8 ounces) in the microwave for 30 seconds only so that it becomes lukewarm.
Step 3 Take a big spray bottle which works properly and add same amounts (8 ounces) of the conditioner in the bottle. Here, if you don't get aloe vera conditioner, you could mix aloe vera gel with a commercial dog conditioner and use the same. Now, add the distilled water and mix well.
Step 4 Next, take 3 tablespoons of wheat germ and add to the above mixture. Along with it, add few drops of essential oil as well and again shake the whole mixture vigorously so that all the ingredients are mixed evenly.
Step 5 Now comes the main step. Take the comb suitable for your dog fur in one hand and larger mats in another, spray the mixture and comb simultaneously. Keep on doing this so as to detangle the entire fur coat. Once done, again spray the detangler mixture all over the body and give your canine a nice bath. Use sufficient amounts of water to wash off the traces of the shampoo and conditioner. This is the end! You have succeeded in your goal! The next obvious query is, how often should you wash your dog? Make sure it is at least once a week.
Now you know how to go about using the detangler for dog grooming. One suggestion I would like to give here is avoid use of baby or human shampoos. Use good quality recommended dog products only and I can vouch that the whole process would be more of fun then!
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