Creative Pet Adoption Strategies
As told by Darcy Gray to Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Animal Shelter of the Wood River Valley Gracie |
Dear Carrie: I went on a brief road trip to Idaho last week and stopped by the Iconoclast bookstore in Ketchum. At the register, I noticed a display advertising a Labrador Retriever mix named Gracie
as available for adoption; she'd been at the local no-kill Animal Shelter of the Wood River Valley for 100 days so far, waiting for the right home. Described as well-mannered and a great hiking companion, there's no reason Gracie hasn't been adopted except that it's just a slow time for adoptions. ( Be sure to visit the link above and watch Gracie's video).
Here's what really caught my attention (and the part that made me think of you). The animal shelter had bound a book with Gracie's photo on the cover. The title was "Gracie's Story". When I opened the book, I saw that the first page said this:
"I don't have much of a story yet.
Will you adopt me and help me write the rest?"
The remainder of the pages were blank.
I thought it was really cool that the Animal Shelter of the Wood River Valley came up with such a creative way to help a dog find a home! I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to share Gracie's story with you because I'm hoping maybe some of you fantastic pet bloggers will post about Gracie and the wonderful effort by the Animal Shelter of the Wood River Valley to gain exposure for Gracie and hopefully get her adopted. :)
Darcy Gray
TOM BIHN, maker of the Citizen Canine CarryallSuper Dog Sunday™ Sponsor, 2012
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