Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul A Mother's Day Gift to Treasure
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© All Things Dog Blog Chicken Soup for Mom's Soul! |
Oliver has guarded these last 3 copies of this great book just for our three winners today. It's a tough job, but somedoggie had to do it. Good job, Oliver.
Three lucky winners' names have been drawn at I have offered to include a card to their moms and send the book directly to them for Mother's Day. I can even wrap it if you like. A perfect, inspirational Mother's Day delivered by me! Our winners are AmandaSue, Kat E, and Nancy W. Watch for an email from [email protected]. I'll need your addresses quickly to get this book to mom in time. Happy Mothers' Day!
PS--Pardon me for drawing and posting these winners a few hours early. My son is due in from another state and I'm eager to see him and play catch up. It's a mom thing! Thanks for understanding :)
Dog Media Gifts For Moms And Kids
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © All Things Dog Blog Something for EveryoneThank you for all your terrific entries and comments in this giveaway. I've got a nice collection of kids books to hand out this summer so keep watching for more great reading for...
Fido Fans Get Great Nutrition& A Good Read
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Tanner-Approved for Dogs with Health ChallengesK-10+ is a multi-vitamin supplement for dogs. The easy to serve powder can be sprinkled in your dog's water where it is tasteless and colorless to assure...
Dog Book Winner Announcements
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © courtesy J. Kachnic July 4th is almost here and many are planning a much-needed day of R-and-R; me included. There's nothing more relaxing than a day of reading beside the pool or at the beach. All Things Dog Blog...
A Dog's Purpose: Giveaway Winners Named
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © K.K, reader copyright on file Rory Shares her Love for Today's GiveawayYou guys did a great job of showing the print publishing industry that book readers are alive and well! I was pleased to see the enthusiasm for...
Global Pet Expo Over!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Carrie Boyko Loving My Image on this Toy!Well, I'm glad to be home. As much as I totally and completely enjoyed immersing myself in the dog world at the Global Pet Expo for three days, I missed my dogs. It was nice to snuggle...