Cauliflower Ear in Dogs

Cauliflower ear is a medical condition in which the ear cartilage gets affected. It is said that most animals are prone to this condition. Even humans develop this condition, especially, those who engage in boxing, athletics, etc. As compared to cats, dogs are more prone to develop this condition. Cauliflower ear in dogs is mainly found in those with long ears.
What is Cauliflower Ear From the name of this condition, it can be inferred that this condition affects the ear. Actually, it is a condition that affects the pinna or the outer ear. But, cauliflower ear is the latter stage of the condition called aural hematoma. In other words, aural hematoma, if left untreated, leads to cauliflower ear. So, you have to understand what is aural hematoma, which is one of the common dog ear problems.
The outer ear or pinna is made of cartilage, which is covered with connective tissues and skin. In case of trauma or any other reason, the blood vessels in the outer ear ruptures and blood collects between the cartilage and the tissues. This condition is called aural hematoma, which deprives the cartilage of nutrients, which is supplied by the blood vessels. While, the word 'aural' refers to a condition of the ear, 'hematoma' refers to a swelling that is filled with blood.
Such swelling may be restricted to a specific part of the ear or may affect the entire pinna, sometimes, blocking the ear canal. If left untreated, the cartilage may start withering and may start folding over or shriveling, resulting in a cauliflower-like surface. This condition is called cauliflower ear.
Cauliflower Ear in Dogs - Causes The exact cause for this condition is still unknown, but, there are various factors that may lead to aural hematoma and eventually, cauliflower ear. So, any kind of trauma (like a blow) affecting the head may lead to aural hematoma. In case of dogs, violent shaking and scratching of the ears are considered as possible causes for cauliflower ear. It has been observed that dogs with long dangling ears are mostly found to be affected. This is more applicable for those with ear mites or ear infections, as these conditions may cause violent head shaking, ear scratching, etc. This results in breaking of blood vessel that causes aural hematoma.
The most common symptoms of aural hematoma in dogs are constant tilting of head to one side, continuous ear scratching, head jerking, head shaking, pawing at the ear, swelling of a part of the pinna or the entire pinna, a red or pinkish color change of the affected area, etc. The swollen area may be slightly hot and the dog may experience pain, as you touch the spot.
How is it Treated Even though, some of the aural hematoma heals on their own, you must not refrain from getting your dog treated properly. This is because of the fact that if not treated, it will result in scarring and other cosmetic problems, like, cauliflower ear. Another point is that if the underlying condition (if any) does not get treated, it may lead to severe complications. While, the fluid in the hematoma can be removed through needle aspiration, it may not solve the problem, as the swelling may recur. So, in order to avoid that, surgery is mostly done. Apart from that, the underlying condition like, dog ear infection should be diagnosed and treated.
In short, cauliflower ear is a condition that can be prevented with proper care. While regular examination of the dog's ear (including the outer ear) will be advantageous. Go for a strict parasite control strategy, so that the dog does not get affected with ear mites and other such things. Clean the ears regularly and dry the inner ear of the dog, as and when the animal goes out in the rain or takes a swim or a bath. So, prevent aural hematoma and protect your dog from cauliflower ear.
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