Bichon Frise Puppy Care

Bringing home a puppy gives the same joy, as a new member does, isn't it? All the attention is on the puppy and the dining table discussions revolve around the new member in the house. The Bichon Frise is a perfect companion dog one can ask for. 'A cute little bundle of joy', these are the perfect words that describe a Bichon Frise! A descendant of the Barbet water spaniel and the poodle, the breed was first officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in the year 1972. This breed makes an excellent family dog and is loved by children and adults, alike. This dog is a family dog and needs special care and attention from the humans. But, before that let me introduce you to your new companion...
Information Physical features: The Bichon Frise is a curly lap dog, with a small and sturdy built. This dog is a cheerful dog breed, and this is evident with his flurry tail moving merrily at the back. The dog is generally white colored but also comes with streaks of cream, apricot and gray. The skull of the dog is slightly rounded, and the ears are covered under the hairy coat. The nose is black colored and the eyes are round with either brown or black color. The muzzle is not much long and pointed. As far the coat is concerned it is double coated and the undercoat is softer than the outer coat which is comparatively curlier and coarse.
Ideal weight: Generally between 3 kg to 5 kg.
Ideal height: 22 cm to 30 cm, female dogs are somewhat smaller than the male dogs.
Life expectancy: Around 15 years.
Caring for a Bichon Frise Puppy Housebreaking Bichon Frise is a lively animal, and would prove a menace in the initial months. Housebreaking the little dog is comparatively tougher as compared to other dogs. Potty training the dog is hardest of all the tasks and demands some patience on part of the owner. The puppy can give trouble in the initial months but once he adjusts to the surroundings, it would be fun to have him. We recommend you to keep the puppy in a dog crate when you are not around or he will untidy your house. If you have a garden take him out for his business after every hour. Generally the Bichons relieve themselves after a long walk or after having food.
Behavior & Lifestyle Many dog owners treat their new puppies as kids, and bring them toys and other playful things. But this tendency is wrong, the dog doesn't need these things. Care and affection from the owner is what the puppy expects. Do not treat your puppy harshly and address him lovingly. The puppy may find it difficult to adjust to the new surroundings in the initial days. You need to set a lifestyle for him, like his grooming time, sleep time, eating time, etc. Once a routine is set for him, the puppy will feel free in the house, and wouldn't cause any trouble. The Bichon Frise dogs are good walkers and love taking a walk more often. Take your dog out for a walk everyday in the evening for at least half an hour.
Health & Food Vaccinations are very important for a new puppy, and the first vaccination is generally given when the puppy is five weeks old. Consult a veterinarian to determine the vaccine schedule for your puppy. We recommend a monthly or fortnightly visit to the veterinarian to assess the condition of the dog. This breed is generally a happy breed and certain characteristics like a droop in the tail, change in the eye color from the normal black or brown means something wrong in his health.
The Bichon dog breed is highly susceptible to skin problems like allergies, thus feeding your pup a balanced diet rich in nutrients and vitamins assumes significance. Feed him only with dog food from a good brand. The ingredients should
not have complex carbohydrates and artificial sweeteners. Oatmeal and whole brown are considered the best food for Bichons. Do not feed him with market bought dog food only, and the diet should be a balance of home cooked and ready-made dry food.
Grooming the Puppy This breed needs high maintenance and a monthly visit to a professional groomer is needed to keep the puppy well-groomed. At home, you can brush the teeth and hair of the puppy. The puppy requires a weekly brushing, but regular combing of hair is required as the puppy's coat is prone to tangles and frizzes. If you miss trip to the groomer, you can try your hand at giving him a bath yourself. Just make sure you rinse him well after the bath. Brush the coat after it is dry. But, for a 'puppy' it is best advised that you take him to a professional groomer. It would be difficult to manage a bath for the puppy as he is quite a trouble maker. Clip his nails every week, but his ear cleaning should be left for the groomer to do.
Puppy Care Tips - Bringing home a puppy is joy, but certain precautions need to be followed for a safe future. This includes keeping all the poisonous and harmful substances at a safe distance, out of reach for the puppy.
- Keep an eye on the dog, as he is very quick and has a tendency to run away from the house.
- Take some measures to keep your house free flea, these dogs are very susceptible to allergies and fleas.
- Dogs can recognize words, and so make use of words like "no","stop", etc., if you want to avoid him from doing certain things.
These dogs are social and attention seeking creatures. Deserting him of your attention can make the puppy gloomy, stubborn or violent. These are cute puppies and love humans; care for them for a wonderful experience ahead.
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