Betta Tank Prize Finds a Home
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Oliver Has Spent Hours Watching Chiffon |
Yes, we named the Betta Fish 'Chiffon'. Fitting, don't you think? His flowing tails and fins remind me of the beautiful fabric that many ball gowns are made off. Our list of pets just grew again.
Who knew that a tiny little Betta Fish tank could generate so much excitement. I'm beyond surprised to see how many of you were interested in adding a swimming pet to your Furry households. I wish I could give away a whole bunch of them, but alas, I only agreed to TRY to give away one. I actually thought it was a longshot that I'd get much action. You proved me wrong!
The draw is nerve-wracking. We have 2908 entries and I can only hit the button once. Gulp. Cross your fingers and your paws. Here goes! The winner is Lenny G. whose pups Shayna and Tiki will now have a fun new roommate to keep them entertained. We wish you luck and advise you to keep your new finned friend out of reach until you know how the dogs will respond :)
Not a winner? I'm sorry! The good news is you can pick up one of these compact Betta Fish homes in your local Petco or online at It won't set you back a ton and you'll be providing your dog with some much-needed stimuli. Enjoy!
Petco has provided one Betta Fish tank to a reader as a promotional courtesy. I reviewed this one and Chiffon now lives there. Sorry, his house is not available. I was not paid to share our experience or to provide this giveaway. No purchase was required to enter. Thank you for participating.
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