Best Dry Puppy Food

The thought of puppies makes dog lovers instantly feel all warm and fuzzy - adorable fuzzballs who unlike any other pets, embody the epitome of cuteness. I've always wanted to own a dog (sigh), but alas I'm not allowed, so I settled for a bunny instead. We're not here to talk about rabbits, but puppies and how to take care of their dietary needs. I'm sure you're aware of what your dog requires, what with all the research on what's good for your dog. The downside is, not many people are aware that commercial dog food products can be unhealthy and dangerous for your dog in the long run, and might contain nothing of nutritional value. Find out alternatives of what the best dry puppy food is, that doesn't contain what other brands speak of.
How to Choose the Right Dog Food Learn here how to choose your puppy's food and what you need to look out for, before making a decision.
Quality Ideally, sticking to one trusted brand ensures that your dog doesn't go through digestive problems due to odd eating habits. As long as it contains the same value of ingredients from one brand to the next, you can avoid dog illnesses from arising.
AAFCO Approved It is wise to choose dog food that comes under the approval of the Association of American Feed Control Officials. For those who don't have AAFCO approved products in your locale, find out which association has approved it and stamped it as dog food worthy to incorporate as part of your puppy's diet.
A-Grade Ingredients The best dry dog food contains a high amount of vitamins, proteins that are easy to digest, calories and minerals. An indigestible filler is sometimes not added to products, and if it is, the amount is moderate. Too much of filler isn't good for you dog.
Age Factor Look for brands that specifically mention the age/dog breed of the puppy, so that you are sure the ingredients are made to suit his/her system.
Recommendation Vets know which brands are good for dogs, so take suggestions and recommendations from a good vet. Even the breeder that you got your puppy from, will know what works for their kind. Find out what he/she has been eating previously, so as to follow the same diet regimen, to avoid messing their digestive systems.
When puppies are about 8-12 weeks old, they need a lot of nutrients and energy packed foods. You need to start feeding them with high quality protein, minus the filler, and a growth formula. The best dry food brands have a good portion of calcium and nutrients, with more than 25% protein added with little or no filler at all. When you're puppy reaches the last stage of his/her puppy period (3-5 months), you have to avoid giving him/her growth formula, to avoid rapid growth that arises from skeletal problems.
Best Dry Dog Food Reviews The best puppy food comprises nutrients that will let your pup grow into a healthy dog, that is less likely to fall ill due to bad ingestion. Here are some of the best puppy food brands out there, that you must consider getting for your little pup.
Raw Food This is a slowly catching on as a popular diet plan for dogs, with two kinds; pre-made, or what you can cook yourself. Good brands of the same would be
Dr. Billinghurst's BARF raw food diet, Primal Pet Foods and Steve's Real Food for dogs. This kind of diet is increasingly popular, because people have found out that feeding a dog naturally is the way to go. Back in time, when dog owners didn't have time to nurture them, these animals depended primarily on raw food. So, the theory is, if dogs were evolving with that same dietary method, then raw food is what does the trick. It's an all natural diet that excludes the use of additives, chemical ingredients, by-products, preservatives and fillers. Grains should be kept away from a dog's diet, as it isn't right for the digestive system to absorb. A raw food diet contains a lot of other meaty content like salmon, pork, rabbit (sadly), turkey and also a lot of greens and fruits. Ingredients that are high in nutrient content are also be added to the raw food diet, like flax, eggs, seed meal, yogurt and kelp. What keeps dogs fit and problem free, is also a wide array of enzyme rich nutrients with amino acids, which is of course easily digested by the dog's system. It can save your dog from many problems like allergies, diseases and a weak immune system, unhealthy gums, undeveloped jaws and so on. There are cons, like being subjected to E.coli and salmonella bacterium, so, I'd advise you to wash your raw meat thoroughly and note any changes in your dog. Consult a good breeder to help you out on how to incorporate the raw food diet plan in dog's daily routine.
Homemade Dog Food This option seems a little better than that of the raw food diet, namely because you are preparing a meal yourself. It is a cleaner and safer way of giving a dog food, since you know what you are adding into his meal. One would need to know that adding a good balance of vitamins and proteins in his/her diet is essential, as well as managing portions for your dog's everyday calorie intake. There are dog food recipes available on the web, to help you out with meal preparations. Browse through them to aid you in the kitchen. Some of the best homemade dry dog food recipes include veggies, meaty stews and so on. Remember to check with a list of dog foods you must avoid, because feeding them these items can prove to be pretty harmful. Those dogs who've been suffering from past dog health problems, will exhibit a noticeable change in his/her health when the diet switches over to homemade dog food.
For the best dry dog food, surf the web, in stores and consult your vet/breeder. This will ensure that your puppy food that is healthy, balanced and a 100% reliable.
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