Ask the Vet, with Dr. Pat: The South Bark Diet for Dogs
by Pat Bradley, DVMIs Your Toy-Sized Dog Overweight?
Here's Help
Hello Dr Pat:
My little Chi mix is a real porker; he is a lot overweight. Does the green been diet really work for dogs and if it does how much do I give him and how much food with it? My friend told me half and half. Is this right?
Thank you sincerely, Gen
Dear Gen,
I commend you for your desire to help your overweight friend. We all want our dogs to be their healthy, happy best, but for many of our dogs, especially small breeds, “happiness” has become equivalent to “eating when I’m bored or upset”. Let’s change that!
The green bean diet can really work. They are low in calories, easy to use, and most dogs like them. But since the appetites, preferences and metabolism of all dogs are not alike, it’s great that we have lots of choices when it comes to weight loss, and lots of information to help us make good decisions. Here are the main strategies:
- Decrease overall calories: (a) Decrease the total amount of food by a quarter or a third. (b) Feed the same amount of a lower calorie pet food. (c) Feed the same amount of a grain-free pet food. You know, the “South Bark Diet”.
- Increase fiber. Fiber helps dieting tummies feel comfortably full. This is where the green beans come in. Substitute one or more of these for an equal amount of commercial food. I’d start at no more than 1/3, especially in small dogs that tend to need a higher protein level. And add a balanced multivitamin to ensure that all the basics are covered. (a) Green beans: their positive attributes are mentioned above, but to keep them from feeling too self-important, let’s mention some of the other veggies. (b)Yellow squash, zucchini, cucumber, carrots, pumpkin, winter squash, or green peas. (c) Oat or wheat bran: ¼ to ½ tsp per day for a small dog.
- Increase play and walks and exercise with him. We know it burns calories, but it will also increase the “feel good” chemicals in his brain, making him less likely to give you those gut-wrenching, guilt-inducing stares.
- Snacks. Substitute snacks that are high in nutrition and low in calories, such as dried liver, raw carrot slices, or even our go-to friend, the green bean.
Good luck, Gen. You’ll be delighted when you see how much better he feels!
Dr. Pat
(c) courtesy P. Bradley |
For a personal consultation about your pet's needs, visit Holistic Veterinary Services.
Dr. Pat's opinion or advice does not replace an actual exam with a veterinarian
Don't miss Tanner's commentary over dog diets at 5 Minutes for Fido. He's quite disturbed!

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