Ask the Dog Trainer, with Terry Lynn CuylerWhy is My Dog Restless?
by Terry Lynn Cuyler, APDT, CPDT-KA  |
© Carrie Boyko Fetch Training is Good Physical and Mental Exercise |
Dear Trainer: Why is my dog so restless?--------------------------------Dear Restless,
Many dogs who exhibit restlessness are young, under exercised and under stimulated. And restless behavior often grabs our attention so that is rewarding, even if it is negative attention. Two 20-minute brisk walks per day would be great, if feasible. These walks should be moving walks, not sniffing every bush. Only once or twice in said 20-minute walk should dog need to eliminate. Walks are great, but so are many other forms of exercise. TV trainers sometimes use doggie treadmills.
Dogs have working brains and they need to be used. Our sedentary lives and long work days do not lend themselves to enriching our dogs' lives. Training a trick can drain energy because it makes a dog use his brain. Something as simple as scattering half his kibble in the grass and making him hunt for it is an enrichment exercise.
Many enrichment toys are available to keep dogs brains as busy as their feet and mouths. Check out Pet Expertise for some of my recommendations: Kongs, Buster Cubes, Squirrel Dudes, Wobblers and the Everlasting Fun Ball are but a few. Chew toys also act as doggie pacifiers. I like the Nylabone Durables, hollow bones and real marrow bones.
HIde a food dispensing toy while your dog is practicing a STAY and then go back to him and release him to go find the food toy. Nan Arthur has written a book for your restless dogs entitled Chill Out, Fido that has some excellent exercises to practice. Hope we hear a report that your dog is soon a couch potato.
© courtesy tlc Agility Training: Great for a Restless Dog |
Our ASK THE DOG TRAINER Column can be reached at [email protected]. For more information on Terry Lynn Cuyler and her training, you may find her at Paws Prof. A personal appointment with a trainer will likely provide more specific information on your dog's issues and your questions.
The PawsProf's advice does not replace an actual consultation with a qualified trainer.
Related Reading:
Dog Treadmill Training: Is it Right for Your Dog?Dog Mental Stimulation

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