An Interview with Xena, my Super Sweet, Senior, Retriever Mix, Rescued Rover
(c) Carrie Boyko
Showing off her Gray Snout
We'll call this an interview with Xena, an idea that came from one of our readers. Xena is clearly the senior citizen at 13 1/2, and I am often asked "How do you meld your dogs' various needs?" Today we'll get Xena's take on the pack atmosphere, living with an almost 4 year old Golden Retriever and a 2 year old Papillon:
"I'm clearly the head of this household, and the matron (duh!). These kids need whipping into shape and I'm fulfilled by having this a part of my 'job' around here. Each time a new pup, kitten or rabbit has come into the house, I have taken it under my wing, washed its ears, cleaned its backside when needed, and generally let them know when their behavior needed some work. It's a momma dog's job, and I took on that role long ago. Such is the life of a rescue--spayed before my first litter. Tisk!"
"Growing up in this house was a very busy time. With two boys and a girl I always had plenty of kids around to play with. I loved going to the park for family gatherings and having my daily walks with different family members every day. Variety is the spice of life, right?"
"Now that I'm a senior citizen, I appreciate the consideration that my housemates give me. Tanner is bigger than me, but we still enjoy a good wrestling match. He is a nice playmate that seems to know how far to go with me; I do have my limits."
"Oliver is finally coming out of the adolescent stage and respects my space these days. I guess our mom taught him that, cuz I sure didn't. Well, maybe that's not true. I did ignore him when he tried to play with me. That's great because now he uses Tanner as a jungle gym, instead of me."
"I'm glad to get out for my walks, but also happy to be dropped off at home when we reach the halfway point. These youngsters I live with have lots more stamina than me these days. I like the sanctity of the senior citizen ward; that's what we call the front porch. Have a good walk, guys; it's Xena's nap time now."
Sometimes it's good to get the straight scoop from the dog herself. If you ever have a question for Xena, Tanner or Oliver, feel free to write to them with their name in the subject line. They love receiving mail. Their email address is [email protected]. They'll answer your questions over at their new blog, 5 Minutes for Fido. Their site includes short tips and commentary from the dogs' point of view.
You can also find some of the most popular posts from All Things Dog Blog at the link below the header: Best of All Things Dog Blog. I suppose it's time for me to update that a bit. Thanks for reminding me. Happy tails!
Related Reading:
Senior Moments: Helping Your Dog Stay Young Managing the Exercise Needs of Your Older and Younger Dogs
Watch for: An Interview with Oliver, coming soon to All Things Dog Blog
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