Amusing Facts and Traits of 38 Different Mammals
Here’s a long list of mammals in the world with unusual traits and features.
- Ring-tailed Lemur can shoot stink bombs to their predators.
- Dolphins are amazing animals. They are not just intelligent they also possess psychic powers.
- Horses are great animals. They have been part of human culture for thousands of years now. Horses have been known to communicate through various arrays of sign language.
- Bengal Tigers are very strong animals. An individual Bengal Tiger can carry a full grown cow up a 10 foot fence.
- An Ox is also a very strong animal. It can carry 2,000 pounds across rugged terrain.
- Female Koala feed its dung to her kids to keep them healthy.
- The male Golden Jackal is the only animal known to babysit regularly.
- Would you like to be a male Antechinus? Certainly I don’t because it dies right after mating.
- Arctic Fox has great natural camouflage for both the summer and winter to escape predators such as polar bears.
- There are about 20 million Mexican Free-tailed Bats that can hang on the ceiling.
- There can be three million reindeer in a herd.
- Giant Anteaters have long tongues and measures 14 inches.
- The male Babirusa can have foot long canine teeth that can pierce into its skull.
- Fennex Fox are animals with large ears. Their ears help them keep cool.
- Orca can do something beyond the limits of other marine animals: it can land on a beach to catch a seal.
- The smell of the Skunk can temporarily blind you for days even if it is 1.5 mi. away.
- Spotted Hyenas turn their anal patches into hyena butter.
- Hooker’s Sea Lion’s breath smells incredibly horrible.
- Star-nosed Mole has an incredible sense of touch.
- Tarsiers are amazingly capable to see in the dark.

- Meerkats are immune to venom. They feed on scorpions.
- Porcupines are one of the most dreaded animals. They will have even the fiercest predators (such as lions and hyenas) running for their life from the porcupine's quills.
- Armadillo has armor-like plating to protect it from predators.
- Tarh drinks its own urine.
- The male Jackal vomits and feeds it to the kids. Yikes!
- When caw burps, it produces methane. Numerous cows burping at the same time will produce a lot of methane.
- There are about 1.5 million Wildebeests on their migration trail.
- About 7,000 male Walruses fight for the right to party at the biggest Bachelor Party on the planet.
- House Cats are the only cat that hunts for fun and they hunt over 1,000 species, which includes mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, fish, birds, rats, lizards, small snakes and beetles.
- Leopards eat impala, kudus, birds, monkeys, hares, snakes, and fish.
- Jaguars eat birds, monkeys, anteaters, boars, deer, sloths, capybaras, turtles, snakes, iguanas, fish, frogs, and crocodiles.
- Cougars eat ibex, antelope, mice, jays, birds, berries, small bears and elk.
- Snow Leopards are ferocious animals. They eat antelope, ibex, rabbits, mountain goats, yaks, and small birds. Their spots make them almost invisible in the Himalayan Mountains.
- The Fishing Cat is the only cat suitable to hunt in the water and eats freshwater fish and eels.
- Servals are great leapers. They jump to a height of 10 feet and eats birds, mice, rats, and gazelle.
- The weakest female hyena is higher in class than the strongest male. Baby Hyenas start fighting right after they are born.
- Tasmanian Devil female would kick the male out of her burrow and prefers to raise the young herself rather than with the father of her children.
- Right Whale has the biggest mouth of any animal in the world. Its mouth is 20% of its body length.
See also
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