Amazingly Unique Nesting, Mating and Hatching Behavior of Birds
Amazingly Unique Nesting, Mating and Hatching Behavior of Birds
Some species of birds have unusual way of courting, mating, nesting and even hatching. Here are some of them.Boobies and Gannets 
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These birds have an unusual way of hatching their eggs. Boobies and gannets hatch their eggs by standing on them,warming them with their webbed feet.
Gators And Their Danger To Dogs: Update On Seasonal Issues
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Carrie Boyko Tanner Tackles his Gator ToyRecently I shared some information on gator mating season and the dangers to our Fido friends. Your response was quite lively, and yet the most exciting and scary part is yet to come. After...
Weirdest And Unique Creatures In The Avian World
Weirdest And Unique Creatures in The Avian World A list of bizarre but beautiful and unusual species of birds. There are more or less 9,000 known species of birds in the world. On this particular article, you will see a combination of weird-looking...
Type Of Nests Of Different Bird Species
There are several types of nests. These include mound, scrape, burrow, cavity, cup, pendant, sphere, saucer and platform. Here are the different types of nest of animals (with photos). Burrow Image Source Many burrow-nesting birds excavate...
The Most Beautiful And Spectacular Nests In The World
Nests are important to many birds and other animals to keep their eggs and to provide a place to live or raise offspring. Nests are usually made of some organic material like, grass, leaves, twigs or simply a depression in the ground, or a hole in a...
Bizarre Nesting And Egg Laying Behavior Of Animals
Here are some peculiar egg-laying and nesting behaviors of some bird species. Potoos Image Source Potoos are unique birds that lay their single egg directly atop a broken stump. They also lay their egg directly into a shallow depression on a branch...