Amazingly Unique and Weird Lobsters
Amazingly Unique and Weird LobstersHere's a list of amazingly distinct and peculiar lobsters found from the different oceans of the world.Lobsters are found all over the world. Lobsters have 10 legs with the front ones adapted to claws. Lobsters are economically important as seafood, forming the basis of a global industry that nets US$ 1.8 billion in trade annually.
Split-colored Lobster/Half-and-Half Lobster
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One of the weirdest and rarest kinds of lobster is the Half-and-Half Lobster. It was so named because it looks like the half is cooked and the other half is raw. It was caught in 2006 by a Maine Fisherman. Only 3 lobster of this kind had seen in the last 35 years. The chance of finding one is estimated at 1 in 50 million. Lobster shells are usually a blend of the three primary colors: red, yellow and blue. The colors mix to form the greenish-brown color of most lobsters. All split-colored lobsters observed havebeen hermaphroditic.
Unique And Colorful Lobsters In The World
Lobsters are among the most favorite sea foods served in restaurants from all over the world. Lobsters came in different colors, shapes and appearances. Here’s a list of the coolest-looking and most colorful species of lobsters in the world. Southern...
Unique Hermit Crabs In The World
Hermit Crabs are fascinating and intriguing creatures. Here are some cool-looking hermit crabs in the world. Armed Hermit Crab (Pagurus armatus) Image Source The Armed Hermit Crab or Black-eyed Hermit Crab is a cool-looking hermit crab that can...
Weird, Unique And Commercially Important King Crab Species
King Crabs, which are also called Stone Crabs, are crab-like decapods crustaceans that are found mainly in cold seas and oceans. These sea-creatures are large and taste good. Many species of King Crabs are widely caught and sold as food. Here’s a list...
Interesting Facts About The Red King Crab
Here are some notably interesting facts about one of the most commercially important species of king crab – the Red King Crab. Image Source 1.) A Red King Crab can grow a leg span of 1.8 meters or 5 ft 11 inches. 2.) This huge arthropod was named...
World’s Most Colorful And Unique Porcelain Crabs
There are about 277 species of porcelain crabs known. Porcelain Crabs belong to Porcellanidae family of decapods crustaceans. These marine animals superficially resemble true crabs. These crabs are known for their colorful and glossy shells. Here are...